BKSDA Secures 2 Ternate Kasturi Birds At Ambon Port
The Maluku Province Natural Resources Conservation Agency (BKSDA) has arrested two kasturiternate birds which are protected animals at the Yos Sudarso Port in Ambon.
The Yos Sudarso Port Post Ambon officer has secured a cage containing two ternate kasturi birds. This bird was secured from one of the passengers who had just dropped from KM Permata Obi from Ternate, North Maluku," said Maluku BKSDA Forest Police (Polhut) Seto in Ambon, reported by ANTARA, Thursday, December 28.
According to the passenger's statement, the two birds were purchased by a person from Subaim Halmahera Selatan and entrusted to him who was about to leave for Ambon with KM Permata Obi who upon arrival in Ambon to be picked up by someone at Slamet Port, Riyadi Ambon. The bird has now been secured and taken to the Maluku Animal Conservation Center Cage in Cengkih Kebun Ambon and handed over directly to the Maluku Animal Conservation Center Nurse to be quarantined before being released into the wild.
The bird is seen in a state of severe stress and has been treated by veterinarians at the Maluku Animal Conservation Center, Seto said.
The BKSDA urges the public not to carry out illegal hunting, wildlife trade, and habitat destruction. In addition, the public is also asked to report suspicious activities that can harm wildlife and the environment.
"BKSDA hopes that there will be cooperation between the authorities and the community to maintain the sustainability of the ecosystem and protect wildlife which is an important part of biodiversity in Indonesia, especially Maluku," said Seto.
Based on the provisions of Law Number 5 of 1990 concerning Conservation of Biological Natural Resources and their Ecosystems, anyone who deliberately catches, injures, kills, stores, owns, maintains, transports, and trades protected animals alive is threatened with a maximum imprisonment of five years and a maximum fine of IDR 100 million.