Narcotics Cases In Bali Increase, 100 Foreigners Arrested Throughout 2023

DENPASAR - Narcotics cases in Bali increased 11 percent in 2023. There were 744 cases recorded by the Bali Police and the ranks.

Bali Police Chief Inspector General Ida Bagus Kade Putra Narendra said the Bali Police and the ranks revealed as many as 806 cases with 744 cases resolved.

This number has increased by 11 percent compared to 2022, which is 725 cases.

"Of the number of cases that have been successfully uncovered, the number of cases that have been resolved is 744 cases or 92.30 percent in 2023," said Inspector General Narendra, Thursday, December 28.

Meanwhile, for the number of suspects arrested or arrested, there were 1,002 suspects who were Indonesian citizens (WNI) and also foreign nationals (WNA).

"And the number of suspects who were arrested was 1,002 people consisting of 902 Indonesian citizens and 100 foreign nationals," he added.

The evidence that was secured were 32,548,4106 kilograms of marijuana, 6,928.02 kilograms of crystal methamphetamine, 1,668 synthetic tobacco, 69 kilograms, 2,561 pills of ecstasy to 3,719.55 kilograms of cocaine.

"Then, several prominent cases were successfully uncovered, namely the case of Brazilians carrying 3.9 kilograms of cocaine and the disclosure of the Russian and Uzbekistan network involving seven people, consisting of six foreign nationals and one Indonesian citizen in 2023," he said.

Inspector General Narendra said the Island of the Gods could not be separated from the shadow of narcotics targeting young people with productive age.

"Bali cannot be separated from the shadow of drugs, the most drug trafficking targets young people or the productive generation of the age range of 16 (to) 29 years. Tourist attractions in Bali are the targets of drug trafficking," he said.