Bobby Nasution: Throw Garbage Into The River Fined Rp. 10 Million

Medan Mayor Bobby Nasution asked local residents not to throw garbage into the river because there are regional regulations that threaten a fine of Rp. 10 million or a prison sentence of three months starting January 1, 2024. Implementation of Regional Regulation No. 6/2015 concerning Waste Management is enforced starting January 1, 2024, as the Deli River Clean Mutual Cooperation Program is completed," said Bobby in Medan, reported by ANTARA, Thursday, December 28. Medan City Government, he continued, at the Medan City Regulation No.6/2015 concerning Waste Management, in particular article 57 paragraph 1 states the ban on waste disposal in the river. The mayor reminded all residents in the capital city of North Sumatra Province not to throw garbage into 12 river flows that cross the city of Medan, especially Sungai Deli. Mayor said, his party had collaborated with the TNI AD and the Sumatera River Basin Center (BWS) Sumatra II to carry out clean cooperation of the Deli River during 62 working days on September 27 to December 22 2023. "In the beginning we agreed after this program, then in January 2024 we implemented a Regional Regulation on Waste Management. Strict sanctions were imposed for residents who dispose of waste, especially into the river," he said. Mayor also directly instructed all sub-districts and lurah to increase supervision, especially points that had been the location of waste disposal.

The Medan City Government has also socialized to the local community not to throw garbage into the river following the implementation of the Medan City Regulation No. 6/2015 starting January 2024. "His party hopes that the clean cooperation movement of the Deli River will not stop here, but the Medan City Government will continue to encourage the Sumatra II BWS to follow up on the construction of the river. "Thank you all the personnel of the Deli River clean mutual cooperation, especially the TNI AD because since the planning has supported us. Moreover, the opening was attended by the Army chief of staff," said Bobby.