The Electability Of Survey Results Has Not Been Exciting, Ganjar: The Important Thing Is To Meet The Community

Presidential candidate number 3 Ganjar Pranowo stated that he respects the results of the latest survey released by the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) and Indonesian Political Indicators.

"Yesterday there was CSIS, there was an indicator, almost came out at the same time and the results were different. And of course let us respect the results of the survey," said Ganjar after attending the gathering with exponents, alumni, and activists of the Indonesian National Student Movement (GMNI) in Jakarta, reported by ANTARA, Thursday, December 28.

However, the former Governor of Central Java for two periods said that the most important thing compared to surveys was meeting with the public.

But for me, the important thing is that all party cadres, all volunteers meet the community. Because that's how you feel through direct relationships with the community. That's the real situation, the more you move, the more you meet, that reality is what you meet," he said.

The results of a recent survey released by CSIS Indonesia show that pair number 2 Prabowo Subianto-Gibran Rakabuming Raka excels from two other pairs after a presidential candidate debate with an electability of 43.7 percent.

"When the survey was conducted, the electability rate of the Anies Baswedan-Muhaimin Iskandar was 26.1 percent, Prabowo Subianto-Gibran Rakabuming Raka 43.7 percent and Ganjar Pranowo-Mahfud Md 19.4 percent," said Head of the Department of Politics and Social Change CSIS, Arya Fernandes when presenting the results of the survey which was broadcast live on the CSIS YouTube channel, Wednesday (27/12).

In the survey, he continued, there were still 6.4 percent of voters who claimed to be confidential and had not made a choice, and 4.5 percent said they did not know / did not answer.

CSIS released the latest presidential election survey after the Presidential Candidate Debate which was held on December 12, 2023. The poll was held nationally face-to-face on December 13-18, 2024.

The method used is "multistage random sampling" which considers the proportion between the number of voters and the number of samples in each province, aged 17 years and over or getting married when the survey is conducted. The proportion is the gender of the female-principal and urban-rural areas, with a "primary sampling" unit at the village/kelurahan level.

The number of samples of 1,300 people spread proportionally in 34 provinces in Indonesia. "Margin of error" or tolerance for this survey error amounted to approximately 2.7 percent at a 95 percent confidence level.

Meanwhile, the Main Researcher for Indonesian Political Indicators Burhanuddin Muhtadi in a survey release as followed online in Jakarta, Tuesday (26/12), revealed that the Prabowo-Gibran pair was ahead of 46.7 percent.

Then, he said, Prabowo Gibran was followed by the Ganjar-Mahfud pair as much as 24.5 percent and the Anies-Muhaimin pair as much as 21 percent. Meanwhile, 7.8 percent of respondents did not answer.

Burhanuddin added that in a survey followed by 1,217 randomly selected respondents, the results of the surveys of Ganjar-Mahfud and Anies-Muhaimin still contained an error limit of approximately 2.9 percent.

"I remind you again, there is 2.9 percent of our margin of error. So, we don't know who is superior between Ganjar or Anies," he said explaining the latest survey by Indonesian Political Indicators conducted on December 23-24, 2024.