Become A Pengrawit At Omah Mbudur Magelang, Atikoh Ganjar Pukau Visitors
MAGELANG - An interesting event occurred in Omah Mbudur, Jowahan Hamlet, Wanurejo, Borobudur District, Magelang Regency, on Thursday, December 28. Siti Atikoh Supriyanti, wife of the 2024 Indonesian Presidential candidate Ganjar Pranowo, suddenly showed talent as a tweeter at lunch. This momentum not only caught the attention of ordinary visitors, but also created an unexpected atmosphere in that place. Atikoh, who wore a gamis with dark green and brown hijab nuances, with a straightforward approach to the driver who accompanied him to lunch. "He just stepped on the tool, he was hoarse again," said Atikoh politely when offered a microphone by the pesinden. Being interacting through the microphone took place. Atikoh even grabbed a whistleblower and asked the driver to practice him to play a song with a straightforward notation, with the choice of the song "Group Gugur Gunung". With a serious face, Atikoh tried to play a Slenthem type musical instrument. Pengrawit patiently gave a guide one by the notation. However, when trying with the original tempo, Atikoh admitted the difficulty. "Wow, it's hard. I just sang it to be a backing vocal, yes. Justhead the mountain that memorized it," he said with a humorous tone. Meski middle cough, Atikoh continued to be able to sing well, and the visitors immediately gave a festive chant as a response. After singing, Atikoh was also interested in the Gembang musical instrument, trying it out with the song "Gundul-Gundul Pacul". Atikoh's courage in exploring his ability to get praise, one of them from Yati, a Magelang resident who had just seen Atikoh directly." It was beautiful, ayu, pinter. His person is also grupyak (friendly)," he said amazedly.
Meanwhile, Nuryanto, the owner of Omah Mbudur, expressed his happiness for Atikoh's arrival. Although not the first visit, Nuryanto was proud because Atikoh still took the time to visit Omah Mbudur, showed his closeness to the community and enjoyed playing with the tweeter. "I was very proud, during his time accompanying the president's nyalon, he still took the time to come to Omah Mbudur to play with the tweeter. Really a figure who could be an example, because he wanted to protect and protect. Ajur Ajer is there," he said.