Trinil Film Review, Horror Of The Confusing Love Triangle Of Mothers And Children

JAKARTA - After 17 years, director Hanung Bramantyo has finally returned to producing his horror film again which was adapted from a radio play in the 80s entitled Trinil: Restore Your Story and will be in theaters on January 4.

The film Trinil itself tells the story of when the couple Rara (Carmela Van De Kruk) and Sutan (Rangga Nattra) start a new life. Rara inherited a tea plantation in Central Java owned by William Saunder, his father, and lived with Sutan, his beloved husband, who was William's personal nurse while still alive.

One night, Rara had a great lead. In his mother, Rara seemed to mention a name, which then gave rise to a shadow of a headless ghost behind his bedroom window. Worried that something bad would happen, Sutan asked Yusof (Fatah Amin), a friend during her high school in Penang, Malaysia, to handle this incident.

At first, Rara rejected her husband's idea and thought that all the terror was just her husband's illusion. However, the terror of the head Hantu became even more and more, this time while mentioning Rara's small name, "Trinil, Balekno Gembungku (Restore Your Wife)!". Finally Rara gave up and allowed Yusof to enter the house to expel a ghost figure who started attacking him.

From the start, this film was no big deal in telling the story that will be told. So that viewers don't have to think too far about the story that will be brought because from the beginning the figure of Rahayu has been seen from the start.

All the players in this film can be thumbs up for being able to convey their characters very well. Especially the mother and daughter couple Wulan Guritno and Shalim Razade who are slick in playing their characters as greedy women and male teasers.

Wulan Guritno, who is described as a heinous and very greedy woman, is willing to kill her own husband, very clearly and differently from the characters she has played in other films.

Besides Wulan, Carmela Van der Kruk's main player is also very good at playing her character as a child who has high emotional feelings because everyone she loves is taken away by her mother. Carmela's ups and downs with emotions can be felt by the audience.

The comedy seasoning presented in this film also helps viewers to take a break from the jumpscare-jumpscare provided and supported by scary visuals and audio. The comedy given is also not very prominent but it is enough to invite laughter from the audience.

Unfortunately, the storyline given in this film is quite confusing and changes too quickly so that the audience cannot enjoy one emotion given by the players well.

One of them is when the moment of the expulsion of demons is carried out, as one of the important moments in the story, the scene of the expulsion of demons is felt less tense and too fast to pass so that the audience cannot feel the tension.

At the end of the film, several scenes that seem too forced to be included in the scene make the audience a little confused by entering the scene.

The plot twist given regarding the background of all the horror events in the film Trinil actually makes the audience confused and surprised about the relationship between mother and child in this film. The sense of confusion continues to be felt up to the scene of the origin of the Rahayu terror until the plot twist occurs.

Although it is said that this film is a love triangle between a mother, child and a boy, the audience cannot feel the love triangle in its entirety. What is felt when watching this film is only a mother's grudge against a child who has captured her body.