KPU Will Face Roy Suryo's Summons In The Aftermath Of 'Slander Resilient' Speech

JAKARTA - The KPU will face a summons sent by Roy Suryo regarding the statement 'Roy Suryo is a slanderous man'.

"The chairman (Hasyim) conveyed that all work consequences, one of which received a subpoena, would be passed as well as possible by the chairman," said KPU member Betty Epsiloon Idroos, quoted by ANTARA, Thursday, December 28.

According to Betty, Hasyim had conveyed this statement at the plenary meeting of the KPU leadership. He also asked reporters to ask Hasyim directly.

Previously, Roy Suryo sent a subpoena to the Chairman of the KPU Hasyim Asy'ari regarding his statement that the former Minister of Youth and Sports (Menpora) was a slander carpentry. The summons was conveyed by Roy Suryo's attorney from IDCC & Associates, Wednesday (27/12).

"Today, an invitation letter and summons from my attorney have been sent to Hasyim Asy'ari, whose address is at the KPU Office," said Roy Suryo.

The subpoena also attached a mass media article containing the news containing Hasyim's statement accusing Roy Suryo of being a slanderous man.

The telematics expert assessed that Hasyim's statement had attacked honor and or had harmed his dignity.

Roy Suryo considers that Hasyim's accusations against him have violated Article 27 Paragraph (3) Juncto Article 45 paragraph (3) RI Law Number 19 of 2016 concerning Amendments to Law Number 11 of 2008 concerning ITE, Article 311 of the Criminal Code and Article 1365 of the Civil Code.

Hasyim Asy'ari was asked to come to the IDCC & Associates Law office to clarify on Wednesday, January 3, 2024.

Hasyim's statement began with Roy Suryo's accusation that the vice presidential candidate number 2 Gibran Rakabumung Raka used three microphones at once in the inaugural vice presidential debate.

Through his X account, Roy Suryo suspected that the KPU did not act fairly regarding the tools used by the vice presidential candidate in the vice presidential debate event, last Friday (22/12). The accusation received a response from the KPU.

The KPU emphasized that all the vice presidential candidates got the same tools during the debate held by the KPU. He assessed that Roy Suryo's analysis of the tools used by candidates for vice presidential candidates during the debate was wrong and had committed slander because they had spread false information.

"Sponential debate, it is impossible to dictate, listen to whispers or read contekan. Roy Suryo is indeed a slanderous man," said Hasyim.