National Police Chief Talks About Regional Security In The 2024 Election: Papua Very Vulnerable, East Java Vulnerable

SURABAYA - National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo revealed that East Java was one of the vulnerable areas during the 2024 General Election (Pemilu).

"Initially, East Java was one of the most vulnerable, but now it has turned into a vulnerable, and also the Papua region has become one of the most vulnerable and we will see developments," said the National Police Chief during the Declaration of Peaceful Elections at the East Java Police Headquarters, Surabaya, reported by ANTARA, Thursday, December 28.

The National Police Chief explained specifically that the vulnerability index made by the Election Supervisory Body (Bawaslu) continues to change according to the development of the existing dynamics.

"The most important thing is that we must not under estimate. Therefore, to deal with such a situation, it is important to always urge the public to maintain unity and integrity," said the four-star general.

For this reason, said Sigit, this declaration activity is important considering that the democratic party is only two months away.

"We always remind that the differences that exist should not then make a ratification. So that difference is part of democracy, part of our rights and of course we must respect each other and that is also of course part of the diversity of democracy that we must protect," he said.

According to him, if the election can run safely and peacefully, then our democracy will become a good and well established democracy because unity and unity are the main capital for any leader to continue the national development program for the welfare of the people.

"We are facing a demographic bonus, where this momentum must really be utilized properly, and I think everyone agrees that unity and integrity are things that must always be maintained," he said.

"Because of this, our strength is the strength of our nation and we must maintain this and we manage it as energy to face Indonesia in the future, better," continued Sigit.

Meanwhile, the East Java Police Chief, Inspector General Imam Sugianto, said that the declaration of peace elections which was held today was interpreted as the right momentum considering the implementation of the 2024 General Election which was getting closer.

"We also use this moment to socialize it to the public to jointly make the next stage a success, namely the voting stage on February 14, 2024," he added.