The Inauguration Of The Operation Of SATRIA-1 And 4G BTS By Jokowi Can Be Witnessed Through This Streaming Link

JAKARTA - President of the Republic of Indonesia Joko Widodo will inaugurate the operation of the Republic of Indonesia (SATRIA)-1 Satellite Earth Station and the 4G Base Transceiver Station (BTS) Project today. The direct broadcast of the inauguration of this project can be carried out through the Kemenkominfo Youtube page.

Minister of Communication and Information Budi Arie Setiadi stated that the SATRIA-1 Earth Station to be inaugurated is in Matungkas Village, Dimembe District, North Minahasa Regency, North Sulawesi.

Meanwhile, the 4G BTS is located in North Bowombaru Village, East Melonguane District, Talaud Islands Regency, North Sulawesi.

The inauguration of BTS 4G will be held simultaneously throughout Indonesia, marked by long-distance video relationships at various points with Indonesian President Joko Widodo.

Furthermore, Budi said that the construction of 4G BTS is a real step for Kominfo to accelerate digital transformation in Indonesia, as well as to realize equal distribution of connectivity, especially in disadvantaged, frontier, outermost (3T) areas.

Di sisi lain, Direktur Utama BAKTI Kementerian Kominfo Fadhilah Mathar menjelaskan telah berhasil merampungkan pembangunan infrastruktur telecommunications di Wilayah Pelayanan Universal Telekomunikasi dan Informasi (WPUTI).

BAKTI Kementerian Kominfo juga telah membangun 11 stasiun bumi di Manado, Manokwari, Timika, Jayapura, Pontianak, Kupang, Ambon, Banjarmasin, Tarakan, Cikarang, dan Batam. Stasiun bumi ini nantinya akan mendukung operasional SATRIA-1 secara terintegrasi.

"With the operation of 4G BTS in various regions and the existence of SATRIA-1 supported by a number of earth stations, we hope that our brothers and sisters in the 3T area will get optimal digital access," said Fadhilah.

President Joko Widodo's inauguration of the operation of BTS 4G and SATRIA-1 can be watched live online through the YouTube channel of the Ministry of Communication and Information TB.