Apart From Respecting, These Are 6 Things Teenagers Need To Do To Parents

JAKARTA - In terms of discipline, parenting experts believe that the way parents discipline their children must change with the age of their children entering adolescence. Because teenagers begin to form their identities and need more independence. Therefore, the task of parents changes from being in charge to being monitoring and advisors.

When you realize that your duties as a parent change, that's where your rights and responsibilities also change. There are several things where these rights and responsibilities move from you to your child. Because it's time to give them more freedom to make their own decisions and learn more independently.

Although it has changed, there are still several important things that children do to their parents. What are they? Here's the explanation, reported by Very Well Family, Wednesday, December 27.

Not only parents, all other family members also need to be treated with respect. This includes relatives and extended families who may also live together in the house they live in.

Parents have the right to set rules and limit privileges when children do not comply with the rules. Including rules for respecting family members. Other examples of rules are rules for homework, hosting guests, curfews, and school assignments.

Trust is an issue that is often faced by teenagers and parents. Even though parents have given half of their responsibilities to teenagers. But parents are still responsible for taking care of their children by setting rules and saying 'no' when needed.

Parents have the right to ask questions and get an honest answer. But before that, parents also need to realize that teenagers need privacy before applying this right. Remember, never ask questions when your emotions as a parent are high. The point of avoiding fights with angry children. Asking when the atmosphere is hot will only make the situation even more complicated.

Parents have the right to know where their teenage children are, who they are with, and in general what they do. Although children don't need to tell personal things in detail, as parents think about the people they date, for example. Still they have to tell parents about things like the location of the party that will be attended and who will accompany the party.

Parents have the right to monitor their child's access to the outside world. This applies either by asking children directly or communicating with them via cell phone technology or the internet.

Parents have the right to encourage and monitor their teens' views on their future. Even if teenagers are given the final choice of what they want to do in the future, parents can influence it by using encouraging methods, but not through discipline. For example, encourage children to like music by putting it in music classes. But don't revoke the privilege because he doesn't read books about the music you give.