Police Ask Jayapura Residents To Stop Activities When Lukas Enembe's Body Passes
JAKARTA - People in Jayapura Papua are asked to temporarily stop their activities when the convoy of vehicles carrying the body of Lukas Enembe passes, after which they can return to their activities.
Jayapura Police Chief AKBP Fredrickus WA Maclarimboen said this request was a form of respect for the former governor of Papua.
Fredrickus also emphasized that this call was not without basis, but the results of a meeting with the Regional Leadership Communication Forum (Forkopimda), Papuan Police Chief Inspector General Pol Mathius D Fakhiri, Military Commander XVII Cendrawasih Major General Izak Pangemanan, Chairman of the Papua Province FKUB Pdt Lipius Biniluk, and GIDI President Dorman Wandikbo.
"As citizens who respect spiritual values, concern, and mutual respect, it is fitting to respect Lukas Enembe for the last time before the funeral," said Fredrickus, quoted by ANTARA, Thursday, December 28.
The police chief also explained the route to be traversed by the motorcade of Lukas Enembe's hearse, namely from Sentani Airport to STAKIN Sentani, then to Koya Tengah, Muara Tami District, Jayapura City, Papua. Lukas Enembe's body is scheduled to arrive in Jayapura on Thursday at around 09.00 WIT.
"We also urge the public not to be influenced by issues circulating, because there has been an official statement from the president of GIDI and his family that must be respected by all parties," said Fredrickus.