KPU Involves TNI-Polri To Send Logistics For The 2024 Election To Remote Areas

The General Election Commission (KPU) involved elements of the TNI-Polri and local governments (Pemda), to assist in the distribution of logistics for the 2024 General Election which was distributed to polling stations (TPS) in disaster-prone areas to remote or remote areas in Indonesia.

KPU chairman Hasyim Asy'ari explained that his party had coordinated with all these agencies to support the smooth distribution of logistics to be used in the upcoming 2024 General Election.

"It has been identified and also later by the KPU has been communicated with the regional government, the police, the TNI," he said as quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, December 27.

In addition, he said, the KPU has identified and mapped TPS which is included in the disaster-prone category, especially during the rainy season.

Hasyim said that during the rainy season as it is now, there are several areas that are prone to disaster in the form of floods to landslides.

"Based on the experience a year ago on these dates in areas where high rainfall is flooded, there are landslides that are anticipated," he said.

Therefore, the KPU also involved elements of the TNI-Polri and other relevant agencies to anticipate the things caused by the disaster in the process of distributing election logistics to the regions.

"If there are things that need support, personnel and modes of transportation have been communicated. Starting from the center, province to district," he said.

This support is not only carried out for disaster-prone areas, but is also prepared to distribute election logistics to the most distant and outermost regions in Indonesia.

"Likewise, the outermost, farthest, and most difficult areas have been identified," he said.