Ganjar Respects Khofifah's Choice Even Though It Doesn't Determine Elite Is Important

The KLATEN - Candidate for president Ganjar Pranowo still respects the choice of the Governor of East Java Khofifah Indar Parawansawalau, it does not deny that support from the elite is important.

Ganjar said intense communication to the people's vote base in communities such as religious groups, culturalists, and young people is another important thing to do in East Java.

"It is undeniable that sometimes the elite is indeed important," said Ganjar to reporters at the Umbul Cokro Tulung tourist attraction, Klaten, Central Java, as reported by ANTARA, Wednesday, December 27.

Ganjar is optimistic that East Java will be the same as in Central Java because of the character of Vice President Mahfud MD.

East Java, according to Ganjar, is the province with the second largest potential votes for Ganjar-Mahfud after Central Java.

"Pak Mahfud'kan dari sana, dan rasanya Pak Mahfud lebih banyak nanti berkiling di Jatim. Saya hakulyakin karena ketokohan Pak Mahfud, performa Pak Mahfud, relasi Pak Mahfud dengan Jatim sangat kuat, kata Ganjar.

Ganjar started a series of campaigns on Wednesday (27/12) with sarasehan with tobacco farmer Asepan Gudang Tobacco Empatlima in Klaten.

The campaign agenda for Ganjar in Klaten then visited tourist attractions in Tulung District, Klaten, to discuss with tourism actors and local village-owned enterprises (BUMDes).

During the day, the former Governor of Central Java attended sarasehan with millennials, generation Z, social media influencers, and young Klaten volunteers at the Grha Bung Karno Meeting Building.

Ganjar's campaign series in Klaten closed with the internal consolidation of the coalition winning team and political party candidates at the Tirtokusumo Hall Grha Bung Karno.