End Of 2023, National Police Chief Apologizes For Police Performance Far From Perfect

JAKARTA - National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo apologized for the performance of the Bhayangkara Corps which is still far from perfection. However, improvements and improvements will continue.

"Various performance achievements are still far from perfection, therefore we, for the leadership of the National Police and the extended family of the National Police, express our deepest apologies," said Sigit in a year-end release (RAT) at the National Police Headquarters, Wednesday, December 27.

Some of the achievements of the National Police in the 2023 period, among others, revealed 431 corruption cases which caused state losses to reach Rp3.6 trillion.

Then, the confiscation of state-owned assets in handling cases of money laundering (TPPU) amounted to 10.8 percent in the 2023 period. The amount reached Rp443 billion.

On the other hand, Sigit also asked the public to support the Police in carrying out their duties. So, everything that is done is in line with the expectations of all Indonesian citizens.

The former Kabareskrim firmly said that he would continue to take action against his members who violated the humanist concept when serving the community.

"The National Police is firm on perpetrators of crimes firmly against members who violate humanism in serving the community, listening to aspirations and complaints directly," said Sigit.

Sigit also asked related institutions to oversee the performance of the National Police so that they could become better law enforcement institutions.

"To all Indonesian people, colleagues of the TNI, ministries, institutions, figures, activists, workers, we ask for support and supervision so that our commitment can be steadfast so that the Police are able to carry out the duties of every service to the community," said Sigit.