Several SOEs Officially Closed Throughout 2023, This Is The Reason For Disbandment

YOGYAKARTA - There are several companies of the State-Owned General Board (BUMN) officially disbanded throughout 2023. The dissolution of a number of state-owned companies is certainly an important note for the government this year.

President Jokowi has disbanded as many as 6 state-owned companies through Government Regulations. This big decision was taken taking into account a number of factors, one of which was related to the company's financial condition. So what are the SOEs that Rsmi disbanded throughout 2023 and the cause?

Of the six SOEs disbanded by the government, three companies were disbanded through the disbandment of the GMS mechanism. The following are a number of SOEs that were officially disbanded throughout 2023:

The dissolution of PT Merpati Nusantara Airlines (Persero) was signed by Jokowi on February 20, 2023. The company which is engaged in regional aviation was dissolved through Government Regulation number 8 of 2023 concerning the Dissolution of the Company (Persero) PT Merpati Nusantara Airlines.

The government disbanded Merpati Nusantara Airlines because it was declared bankrupt based on the decision of the Commercial Court at the Surabaya District Court Number S/Pdt.Sus-Lagging Peace 222/PN.Niaga Sby Jo Number 4/Pdt.Sus-PKPU/20l8/PN.Niaga Sby dated June 2, 2022.

The PP contains a statement: The Company's (Persero) bankruptcy assets of PT Merpati Nusantara Airlines are in an instigence state. In addition, all the remaining assets of the company's liquidation proceeds will be deposited into the state treasury.

The completion of the disbandment of this company includes liquidation which will be carried out no later than 5 years from the time it is declared bankrupt. The dissolution process will be completed in 2027.

PT Istaka Karya is also one of the SOE companies disbanded this year. The dissolution of the company engaged in the construction of this consortium is stated in the Government Regulation (PP) of the Republic of Indonesia Number 13 of 2023 concerning the Dissolution of the Company (Persero) PT Istaka Karya.

President Jokowi signed the PP disbandment of PT Istaka Karya on Friday 17 March 2023. Belid said that this company was disbanded because it was declared bankrupt based on the decision of the Commercial Court at the Central Jakarta District Court Number 26/Pdt.Pembalasan Peace/2o22/PN.Niaga.Jkt.Pst. dated July 12, 2022.

The regulation contains information that the Company's (Persero) bankruptcy assets of PT Istaka Karya are in an instigence situation and all the remaining assets of the liquidation proceeds are deposited into the state treasury.

The regulation states that the implementation of liquidation for the dissolution of the company is carried out no later than 5 years, starting from the time the company is declared bankrupt. And all the remaining assets of PT Istaka Karya's liquidation proceeds are deposited into the state treasury.

Another state-owned company that must close this year is PT Kertas Leces (Persero). The government dissolved the company which is engaged in paper production through Government Regulation No. 9 of 2023 concerning the Dissolution of the Company (Persero) PT Kertas Leces which was signed on February 20, 2023.

PT Paper Leces was disbanded because it was declared bankrupt based on the decision of the Commercial Court at the Surabaya District Court Number 1 / Pdt.Sus. Peace Cancellation 2O18 of the Commercial District Court Sby. Jo Number 5 / Pdt.Sus-PKPU / 2O14lPN Niaga Sby. September 25, 2O18.

Article in PP states: The Company's (Persero) bankruptcy assets of PT Kertas Leces are in an insolventory state. All the remaining assets of the company's liquidation will be deposited into the state treasury.

The process of disbanding PT Paper Leces included liquidation which was carried out no later than 9 years, starting from the time the company was declared bankrupt. The completion process for the disbandment of PT Paper Leces is targeted for completion in 2027.

PT Industri Sandang Nusantara (Persero) also filled out the list of SOEs disbanded by the government so far this year. President Jokowi signed the disbandment of this company on March 17, 2023 through Government Regulation Number 14 of 2023. PT Industri Sandang Nusantara is a company engaged in textiles.

Article 1 of PP is called: As of the enactment of this Government Regulation, the Company (Persero) PT Industri Sandang Nusantara whose status as a Company (Persero) was determined based on Government Regulation Number 2 of 1977 concerning the Transfer of the Form of State Company Industri Sandang to Company Company (Persero) was dissolved.

Article 2 explains that the implementation of liquidation in the framework of the Archipelago Clothing Industry is carried out in accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations in the fields of State-Owned Enterprises, laws and regulations in the field of limited companies, and other laws and regulations.

Article 3 states that the completion of the process of disbanding the Sandang Nusantara industry includes liquidation which is carried out no later than six years, starting from the date of enactment of this Government Regulation. All the remaining assets of the company's liquidation proceeds will be deposited into the State Treasury as stated in Article 4.

PT Industri Gelas juga harus mengalami nasib buruk karena disbanded oleh pemerintah melalui beleid yang diteken Presiden Jokowi pada 3 April 2023. Pemberbaran PT Inglas, perusahaan yang memproduksi kemasan kaca, tercatat dalam Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 18 tahun 2023 tentang Pembaran Perusahaan PT Industri Gelas.

The regulation contains a statement: As of the enactment of this Government Regulation, the Company (Persero) PT Industri Gelas whose status as a Company (Persero) was determined based on Government Regulation Number 33 of 1978 concerning the Transfer of State Company Iglas to Company Company (Persero) was dissolved.

The implementation of liquidation for the dissolution process of PT Industri Gelas is carried out in accordance with the provisions of the BUMN company's laws and regulations, laws and regulations in the Limited Company, legislation in the Bankruptcy and Postponement of Debt Payment Obligations, and other laws and regulations.

The completion of the disbandment of PT Inglas included liquidation which was carried out for 5 years starting from the date of enactment of this Government Regulation. Belid also said that all the remaining assets of the company's liquidation proceeds would be deposited into the State Treasury.

PT Kertas Kraft Aceh was dissolved by President Jokowi on April 3, 2023. The dissolution of the company engaged in the field of Kraft paper is contained in Government Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 17 of 2023 concerning the Dissolution of the Company (Persero) PT Kertas Kraft Aceh.

Article 1 in the regulation states: As of the enactment of this Government Regulation, the Company (Persero) PT Kertas Kraft Aceh which was established based on Government Regulation Number 31 of 1982 concerning State Equity Participation of the Republic of Indonesia for the Establishment of the Company (Persero) in the Integrated Paper Industry as amended by Government Regulation Number 9 of 1986 concerning Amendments to Government Regulation Number 31 of 1982 concerning State Equity Participation of the Republic of Indonesia for the Establishment of Company (Persero) in the Integrated Paper Industry Division disbanded.

The liquidation of the dissolution of PT Kertas Kraft Aceh is carried out in accordance with the laws and regulations of state-owned companies, laws and regulations in the Limited Company sector, legislation in the field of Bankruptcy and Postponement of Debt Payment Obligations, and other laws and regulations.

The completion process for the disbandment of PT Kertas Kraft Aceh includes liquidation which is carried out no later than 5 years, starting from the date of enactment of Government Regulations. All the remaining assets of the company's liquidation will be deposited into the State Treasury.

Those are some state-owned companies that officially disbanded throughout 2023. With the disbandment of a number of state-owned companies, this year provides an important note for SOE travel. Also read the news of the solution to restructuring SOEs in the style of Erick Thohir.

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