Ganjar Says 20 Percent Of The State Budget Every Year Is Enough To Fund Program 1 Of The Poor 1 Bachelor's Family

Presidential Candidate (candidate) number 3, Ganjar Pranowo launched the program '1 Poor Family, 1 Bachelor'. According to him, the program can run if he wins the 2024 presidential election and uses 20 percent of the annual state budget.

"Actually, 20 percent of the state budget is very sufficient," said Ganjar after launching the program at the Cangkol Village Field, Mojolaban, Sukoharjo Regency, Central Java (Central Java), Tuesday, December 26, was confiscated by Antara.

Ganjar will utilize the same nominal as the allocation of the education budget of 20 percent in the 2024 State Budget or IDR 660.8 trillion to send every one child from an underprivileged family to the undergraduate level.

Then he will allocate the 20 percent APBN funds to fund the free vocational high school program for Indonesian children as he used to lead Central Java Province.

Along with that, Indonesia will get a demographic bonus in 2045. Ganjar sees the need to develop a strategy to meet the educational needs of every young generation of Indonesia through an investment scheme.

Ganjar menyaksikan masyarakat Sukoharjo masih ada yang mengeluh belum merasakan manfaat program pendidikan seperti yang diusungnya khusus di Jateng itu.

"We really need good education investment, good knowledge of children, good skills. And I think this program is the best we can push immediately," he concluded.