Chandrawathi's Daughter Gets 1 Month Christmas Remission, Ferdy Sambo Doesn't

JAKARTA - The convict of premeditated murder Putri Candrawathi received a 1-month sentence in the celebration of Christmas in 2023. This was confirmed directly by the Coordinator of Public Relations and Protocol of the Directorate General of Corrections at the Ministry of Law and Human Rights (Kemenkumham), Deddy Eduar Eka.

"Yes, Mrs. PC (Putri Candrawathi) gets 1 month remission (at Christmas)," said Deddy when confirmed, Tuesday, December 26.

Meanwhile, the convict Ferdy Sambo did not get remission. Because the person concerned was sentenced to life.

Meanwhile, Strong Ma'ruf and Ricky Rizal also did not get remission during the Christmas celebration. Because both of them are Muslims.

"FS cannot be remission because of life imprisonment. While others (Strong Ma'ruf and Ricky Rizal) are Muslims," he explained.

For information in the cassation decision of the premeditated murder case against Brigadier Yosua, the Supreme Court has eased the verdict for the four defendants who have now become convicts, namely: Ferdy Sambo, Putri Candrawarthi, Strong Ma'ruf, and Ricky Rizal.

For Ferdy Sambo, he was sentenced to life in prison from the previous death penalty. Strong Maruf received a sentence of 10 years in prison from the previous 15 years in prison.

Meanwhile, his former aide, Ricky Rizal, was sentenced to 8 years in prison from the previous 13 years in prison. Meanwhile, Putri Candrawathi was sentenced to 10 years in prison from the previous 20 years in prison.