KPK Facilitates Christmas Eve For 24 Corruption Case Prisoners

JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) facilitates Christmas services for 24 anti-corruption prisoners who celebrate Christmas 2023.

According to the Head of the KPK News Section, Ali Fikri, as quoted by Antara, Monday, as many as 20 detainees attended Christmas services at the KPK Detention Center, then four other people at the Puspomal Detention Center.

Ali said the Christmas service was led by Pastor Djefri Kansil and the service with the theme 'Only by His Grace' (Yohanes 3:16).

In addition, the KPK has also received 95 visitors who came directly to the detention center and the families and relatives visited 31 KPK detainees out of a total of 89 KPK detainees currently present.

The visit service is not only for those who celebrate Christmas, but is welcome for all other KPK detainees. In addition to direct visits, as many as 15 detainees also received virtual visits from their families and relatives.

Ali revealed that the facilitation of worship and special visits is a form of respect for basic rights for every religious person, including for KPK detainees.

"This is at the same time in line with the principles of carrying out the duties and authorities of the KPK as regulated in Article 5 of Law Number 19 of 2019, namely legal certainty, openness, accountability, public interest, proportionality, and respect for human rights," he said.