Israel Continues To Carry Out Attacks, UNRWA is Having Difficulties Treating 50,000 Pregnant Women In Gaza

JAKARTA - The UN Palestine Refugee Agency (UNRWA) admits that it is having difficulty caring for at least 50,000 pregnant women in the Gaza Strip. This is because Israel continues to launch attacks in the Palestinian enclave.

"There are around 50 thousand pregnant women in the Gaza Strip with more than 180 of them giving birth every day," UNRWA said in a written statement, citing Antara.

The UN agency said doctors and midwives are taking various measures to care for post-natal and high-risk pregnant women at the 7 UNRWA health centers that are still operating.

Israel bombarded the Gaza Strip from the air and land, blockading it and launching ground attacks in response to Hamas' cross-border attacks on October 7.

At least 20,424 Palestinians were killed and 54,036 injured as a result of Israeli attacks, while Israel lost around 1,200 lives due to Hamas attacks.

The Israeli attack has devastated Gaza with some of the total houses in the coastal area damaged or destroyed.

Another two million people in the densely populated enclave were displaced when they lacked food and clean water.