PLN Absorbs Up To 37.7 MW Of Electricity From Waste And Minihydro
PT PLN (Persero) is preparing to absorb electricity from the Palembang City Waste Power Plant (PLTSa) and the Salu Noling Minihydro Power Plant (PLTM) and Tomoni PLTM with a total capacity of 37.7 MW.
This commitment was marked by the signing of three EBT Power Sale and Purchase Agreements (PJBL) carried out by PLN President Director Darmawan Prasodjo with PT Indo Green Power President Director Shao Jianli for PLTSa Palembang City (17.7 MW).
Two other PJBTLs were signed by PLN's New Renewable Project and Energy Management Director Wiluyo Kusdwiharto with PT Tiara Tirta Energi for PLTM Salu Noling (2 X 5MW) and PT Arkora Hydro Malili for PLTM Tomoni (2 X 5 MW).
PLN President Director Darmawan Prasodjo explained, in the midst of the challenges of global warming, efforts to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions must be made. This commitment has also been carried out by PLN in recent years.
"Three years ago, we stopped 13 Giga Watt (GW) coal plants in the planning stage. This prevents Indonesia from producing 1.8 billion metric tons of CO2 for the next 25 years," Darmawan said in his statement to the media, Saturday, December 23.
In addition, in the General Plan for the Provision of Electricity (RUPTL) 2021-2030, PLN encourages the provision of more massive EBT generating projects. This makes the RUPTL 2021-2030 the greenest RUPTL in the history of Indonesian electricity.
Darmawan explained that efforts to encourage energy transition cannot be carried out in an atmosphere of loneliness.
"To support energy transition, the only way is through collaboration. Strategy collaboration, technological innovation and investment. This collaboration also covers local, national, regional and global segments," Darmawan continued.
Darmawan emphasized that efforts to encourage the EBT project will continue in the future.
PLN New Renewable Project and Energy Management Director Wiluyo Kusdwiharto revealed that the electrical energy from these two PLTMs could be a source of electricity supply for the South Sulawesi, Southeast Sulawesi and West Sulawesi (Sulselrabar) regions.
"In addition to the source of electricity supply, it is hoped that it can improve the condition of the electricity operation system in the Sulselrabar region," said Wiluyo.
Meanwhile, PLTM Salu Noling and PLTM Tomoni are included in the EBT power plant project planned for the 2021-2030 General Electricity Supply Plan (RUPTL). Wiluyo continued, in addition to increasing the mix of EBT, the two projects whose electricity will be absorbed by PLN will encourage reduction in fuel consumption (BBM) and reduce CO2 emissions. PLTM Salu Noling and PLTM Tomoni are targeted to operate commercial operations Date (COD) in 2026.
Wiluyo continued, the Pelembang City PLTSa project encourages waste utilization to reach 1,000 tons per day. The presence of this project contributes to increasing the mix of EBT and reducing carbon emissions by around 111 thousand tons of CO2 per year.
Director of Investment Zheneng Jinjiang Environment, Liu Tian assessed that this collaboration is a form of partnership for the development of renewable energy and environmental programs in Indonesia. According to him, with the company's actions in dealing with waste, cooperation with PLN can run well.
"We are willing to share knowledge and experience in technology management as a contribution to Indonesia's environmental protection, including to support the Indonesian government in reducing waste through carbon emissions programs," said Liu Tian.
Head of the Palembang City Environment Agency, Akhmad Mustain, expressed his account for the long process of the existence of PLTSa in his city since 2017. This latest PJBL project is expected to be an example for other cities in Indonesia in estimating Indonesia's commitment to reducing waste.
"Once again we thank you thousand. This process is going very extraordinary, this is a project that is still relatively new, currently only Surabaya, Solo and Palembang are the third. Of course, this PJBL will also be a lesson for other cities that enter the PLTSa in 2025," he said.