Hospital Ordered To Pay Compensation Of IDR 29 Billion To A Woman For Appointment Of Rahim

JAKARTA - Dubai Civil Court, United Arab Emirates (UAE) ordered a private hospital and a doctor to pay compensation of 7 million dirhams (Rp29,481,969,083) to an Arab woman, as well as an additional 1 million dirhams (Rp4,211,709,869) to her husband, after a hysteredic or surgical procedure to remove an unrequested and illegitimate uterus.

The pair initially demanded compensation of 17.75 dirhams (Rp74,757,850,174) million for severe medical errors, but the court rejected part of the lawsuit.

The case occurred in October 2021, when the woman visited a hospital in Dubai and reported a gynecological health problem.

At this hospital, he allegedly agreed to a hysterektomi and expressed his desire not to have children anymore.

However, because he was not satisfied with the hospital, he then switched to another hospital.

After several examinations at the new hospital, it was decided that he needed various operations, but not the hysteretomy that was eventually carried out.

The court was told the surgeon was confused when he received written approval from the insurance company for a procedure previously canceled from another hospital, causing him to misoperation.

The report of the Medical Responsibility Committee concluded that the failure of surgeons in ensuring the type of operation and lack of pre-operational consultation with patients was a fatal negligence.

Patients experience significant psychological and physical stress, including hormonal changes and the loss of the ability to give birth to children due to unnecessary surgery.

The couple claims the insurance company was responsible for sending the wrong approval, which led to the wrong operation.

However, the court rejected the lawsuit against the insurance company and held hospitals and doctors accountable.

In its ruling issued last month, the court said medical procedures should be based on doctor diagnosis and professional assessment, not influenced by insurance approval.

Doctors are considered responsible for ensuring the medical needs of the procedure.

The court ordered doctors and hospitals to jointly compensate the woman for 7 million dirhams, with an annual interest rate of 5 percent from the date of the final decision to the full payment.

They were also ordered to pay the husband of the woman in the amount of 1 million dirhams in addition to the annual interest rate of 5 percent, from the finalization of the verdict until the payment was completed.

In addition, doctors and hospitals are also required to bear legal costs and lawsuit fees.