Regarding Zulhas' Joke, Deputy Chairperson Of MUI Asks All Tabayun Parties

JAKARTA - Deputy Chairman of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) KH Marsudi Syuhud invites all parties to open a tabayun room or clarification regarding the viral video of Trade Minister Zulkifli Hasan (Zulhas) joking about Amin's pronunciation and prayer movements.

The reason is, the joke led to Zulhas' reporting to the police because it was suspected of containing elements of blasphemy.

"We must be able to prioritize the attitude of tasamuh (respect and respect, ed), open rooms for each other to tabayun, clarify, and forgive each other," said Kiai Marsudi in Jakarta, Friday, December 22.

Kiai Marsudi also invited the public to be wise in responding to this incident and not easily divided. Because he said, Zulhas' viral joke video on social media caused a negative reaction related to the fierce competition in the 2024 election.

"What makes people misunderstand is usually because of competition, especially in Indonesia facing elections. To deal with competition, to avoid the destruction of religion and social affairs, Rosul has taught us 14 centuries ago, so give good news, don't even raise information that could be a commotion," said Marsudi.

In order to avoid a wider negative impact, Kiai Marsudi asked all parties to exercise restraint and not report to each other.

"In the context of prioritizing the attitude of tasamuh, tabayun and mutual forgiveness, I don't think there is a need to report. Why, because what makes this a geran (candaan) is all of our figures. Later Ustad Abdul Somad wants to be prosecuted, Ustad Adi Hidayat wants to be prosecuted, Mr. Anies is prosecuted, Zulhas is prosecuted. That's something that is not productive," said Kiai Zahid.