Mahfud MD Talks 21 Featured Programs Worth IDR 2,500 Trillion, Here Are The Details

JAKARTA - Vice Presidential Candidate Mahfud MD talked about 21 flagship programs in closing the vice presidential debate. The total budget estimated to be used for this program is up to IDR 2,500 trillion.

"We Ganjar and Mahfud want to ensure that we organize a clean country through law enforcement indiscriminately Ganjar Mahfud prepare 21 flagship programs worth IDR 2,500 trillion rupiah for 5 years," Mahfud said in closing the vice presidential debate, Friday, December 22.

Mahfud explained the 17 million jobs. Among them, 21 villages have one health facility.

"Four (programs) 10 million houses have a house and have a motorbike. Five schools get a salary, pass for sure. Six (programs), 1 poor family. one undergraduate," he explained.

Program selanjutnya, perempuan maju, pekerja naik kelajaran gratis hingga pengurus masjid.

Super fast internet is free and even. Social assistance must continue but must be right on target. 20, brush KKN and finally KTP magic all government policies must prioritize prosperity and the welfare of the people, including maintaining the poor and neglected children as stipulated in Article 34 paragraph 1 of the basic law, hopefully our sincerity will have a way of being divine and recorded," he continued.