In The Aftermath Of Zulkifli Hasan's Statement, The Islamic Organization Geruduk PAN DIY, Asks Zulhas To Resign

YOGYAKARTA - PAN Chairman Zulkifli Hasan's statement still caused a reaction. The mass of the Indonesian Jihad Front (FJI) in Yogyakarta asked Zulkifli Hasan, who also serves as Minister of Trade, to resign.

This is the aftermath of his words that are considered harassing prayers when talking about support for Prabowo Subianto's presidential candidate at the Ministry of Trade forum in Surabaya.

"We demand that Brother Zulkifli Hasan apologize for his statement regarding harassment or joking about prayers. If there is no apology, we will sue legally," said FJI Coordinator Abdurrahman at the Yogyakarta Special Region PAN DPW office in Kotagede, Yogyakarta City, Friday 22 December.

Dozens of people from FJI came to the PAN DPW carrying banners with Zulhas and containing demands. "Encouraged the Police to process legally Zulkifli Hasan The General Chairperson of PAN for harassing the prayer," the banner said.

He said Zulhas' words, Zulkifli's greeting, did not include joking because it alluded to reading and movement in prayer. In the video circulating, Zulhas stated that the congregation of prayers no longer said the word 'amin' and did not raise a finger during the prayer. This, said Zulhas, is a form of love for the presidential candidate number 2 Prabowo Subianto.

Abdurrahman objected to the remarks because praying was a prayer to Allah. For that, not only apologizing, FJI also demanded that Zulhas be removed from his position. We also demand that Brother Zulkifli be fired as Minister of Trade," he said.

When confirmed, the Chairman of the Yogyakarta City PAN DPW, Arif Noor Hartanto, stated that he had contacted the PAN DPP to discuss and clarify this matter. Unfortunately, he has not been able to communicate with Zulhas.

Arif stated that the Yogyakarta City PAN DPW and DPW PAN DIY would convey this aspiration to the PAN DPP. He hopes that this problem can be resolved properly and the atmosphere can return to conducive. "What is clear is that we will make sure things like this don't happen again," he said.