Kapolda Kaltara Inaugurates 3 Polsek, Strengthens Border Security

MALINAU - North Kalimantan (Kaltara) Police Chief Inspector General Daniel Adityajaya inaugurated the construction of three Sector Police or Polsek in the Indonesia-Malaysia Border area.

The three Polsek that were inaugurated were the Kayan Hulu Police, the Malinau Regency, the Sembakung Police and the Lumbis Police, Nunukan.

"The construction of this new Polsek building is one of the commitments of the National Police, especially the Regional Police to strengthen the task of the National Police in providing police services to the community and increasing security and social security at the Indonesia-Malaysia border," said the Kapolda, Thursday, December 21.

Moreover, currently at this location, the Long Nawang Cross-Border Post (PLBN) has been built in Kayan Hulu (Malinau) District.

"In addition, there is also the construction of a PLBN Labang in Lumbis District," said the Kapolda.

Daniel said the construction of the new Polsek building uses DIPA Polri for Fiscal Year (TA) 2023.

"I hope that the presence of a new building (Polsek) is not only a means of police operation but can also be a place that represents the presence of the Police so that it can provide a sense of security and comfort for the community," he concluded.