This Is The Fate Of State Assets In Jakarta If Left To IKN

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Finance through the Directorate General of State Assets of the Ministry of Finance or DJKN explained the fate of central government assets with state property status (BMN). Following, the government's plan to move the capital city from Jakarta to the State Capital (IKN) Nusantara in Kalimantan.

Director of State Property Policy Forum (DJKN) of the Ministry of Finance, Encep Sudarwan said that based on the law, the assets left behind will be handed over to the Ministry of Finance as the manager of BMN. Later, the government-owned building can be leased to private parties to be used as hotels or others.

"So, assets left behind because they moved to IKN must be handed over to the Ministry of Finance as the manager of BMN. Do not double costs and can be used for the private sector such as hotels, golf courses," he said at a Media Briefing at the DJKN Building of the Ministry of Finance, Thursday, December 21.

In addition, Encep said that the assets will be reorganized (rearrangement) for use. The assets will also be allocated to ministries/agencies that still need an office.

Then, state-owned office buildings can also be used as green open spaces and public spaces to also provide social benefits for Jakarta residents.

"So it's not just an orientation for business revenue. It could also be a green space, a public space, it would be built like that. Jakarta's assets are not only for business revenue," said Encep.

Encep said that the total assets of state-owned buildings spread across DKI Jakarta currently reach Rp1,640 trillion. In addition, the potential value of state-owned buildings that can be rented or cooperated with the private sector reaches around Rp300 trillion.

"Because other buildings are still being used, like the police building, there are still Polda, Religious Offices also have KUA, and so on," he explained.

Encep said that his party was assigned to make plans regarding the use of BMN in Jakarta that would be abandoned, and there were at least 6 BMN utilization schemes.

"There are 6 mechanisms for utilizing 6 types, there are leases, cooperation for utilization, there is a BOT (building operation transfer), BTO (building transfer operation), there is cooperation in infrastructure providers, there is a limited connection scheme, there is also a borrow and use," he explained.

Regarding the use of assets, Encep explained that his party also discussed with experts, including property experts.

"First, meeting the needs, which two can be used and used must be understood, for example the Monas block and the government building around it, if you move to what to use. Now, we are conducting studies and not one by one," he said.

Encep menyampaikan pemanfaatan aset ini juga akan disesuaikan dengan Undang-undang di Daerah Khusus Jakarta.

"This must be in sync with the DKI law or now the Jakarta Special Region (DKJ) which is currently being discussed because later the RT/RW and RDTR Jakarta will definitely be new Jakarta," he said.