Jokowi Issues Presidential Decree on Accelerating Digital Transformation

JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo issued Presidential Regulation (Perpres) Number 82 of 2023 concerning the Acceleration of Digital Transformation and Integration of National Digital Services.

Quoting Antara, the copy downloaded from the page stated that the consideration for issuing the presidential regulation was to encourage the realization of quality and reliable public services.

Apart from that, this regulation is also to realize an electronic-based government system (SPBE) and one integrated and comprehensive Indonesian data; high performance bureaucracy and public services; strengthening corruption prevention; as well as strengthening cyber and information security aspects.

The presidential decree states that in order to achieve integration of national digital services, the Government is accelerating digital transformation through implementing the Priority SPBE application by prioritizing integration and interoperability.

Priority SPBE applications can be SPBE applications that are just about to operate or will be built, as well as SPBE applications that are already operating or will be developed with a minimum of 200,000 SPBE users or target SPBE users.

The Priority SPBE application will also support integrated services in the fields of education, health, social assistance, population administration, finance, government administration, public service portals, One Data Indonesia services, and police services, under the responsibility of the minister or head of the relevant institution.

The Presidential Decree mandates that the Priority SPBE application must be integrated and launched in an integrated manner for the first time no later than the third quarter of 2024 and developed after the launch.

The government has assigned Perum Peruri to administer the Priority SPBE application, where Peruri is obliged to identify problems in implementing the Priority SPBE application, deepen the needs of SPBE users, and design appropriate solutions.

In carrying out its duties by Perum Peruri, the National SPBE Coordination Team carries out coordination, alignment of supervision and direction to ensure the achievement of the objectives of Perum Peruri's assignment.

The National SPBE Coordination Team is asked to involve the minister or head of the institution responsible for the Priority SPBE application, including the minister for State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) and heads of institutions that carry out government affairs in the field of state financial supervision and national development.

Funding for Perum Peruri assignments comes from the State Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBN) and/or other legal and non-binding sources in accordance with statutory provisions.

The funding is allocated to the APBN of ministries and non-ministerial government institutions (K/L) responsible for the Priority SPBE application, which is prioritized to be used specifically as payment for implementing Perum Peruri assignments.

Furthermore, the presidential regulation states that the K/L responsible for the SPBE Prioritas application is the holder of intellectual property rights for the SPBE Prioritas application that was built and developed.

Meanwhile, the Priority SPBE application is a state property of the responsible K/L which is managed based on the provisions of statutory regulations.

The Presidential Decree also mandates ministers and heads of institutions that carry out government affairs to support the development, implementation and coordination related to the Priority SPBE application.

The Presidential Decree was signed by President Joko Widodo on December 18 2023 and promulgated by Minister of State Secretary Pratikno on the same date. The detailed provisions regulated in the presidential decree can be seen via the page.