Bela Zulhas Regarding The Viral Video Of The Prayer Movement, Budiman: He's In A Story Not Joking

JAKARTA - Member of the TKN Expert Council Prabowo-Gibran, Budiman Sujatmiko defended the General Chair of PAN as well as the Minister of Trade, Zulkifli Hasan regarding his viral statement because he mentioned the prayer movement with the campaign. Budiman emphasized that Zulhas was reitulating, not joking about the prayer movement.

"Actually, Mr. Zulhas is not joking, he is telling the story of a person who is joking, he is telling stories that he is notWEbbing," said Budiman in the Darmawangsa area, South Jakarta, Wednesday, December 20, evening.

The former 98 activist also considered that there was nothing to worry about from Zulhas' statement. Moreover, it must be withdrawn to religious matters,

"I think it's clear, not Mr. Zulhas' words, Mr. Zulhas is telling other people like that and there is no problem," said Budiman.

Previously, the chairman of the National Mandate Party (PAN) DPP, Saleh Partaonan Daulay, had clarified a video clip of the Indonesian Minister of Trade Zulkifli Hasan (Zulhas) regarding the tahayat movement in prayers that went viral and became the spotlight. Saleh emphasized that the video of the general chairman must be seen in its entirety.

According to Saleh, the prayer movement is only an example of a strong phenomenon of political attraction in the area if the video is seen in its entirety.

"Bang Zulhas gave an example so that it is easy for the public to understand. Well, what is easy to remember may be at the end of the reading of the letter Al-Fatihah. Including the movement of the finger during tahiyat. In this context, Bang Zulhas reminded that political attraction is extraordinary. He is worried that the people will be divided," Saleh said in his statement, Wednesday, December 20.

Karena itu, Saleh menyayangkan ada pihak-pihak yang memotong video tersebut sehingga Zulhas dikesankan menista agama. Padahal, kata Saleh, Zulhas selalu mengingatkan agar umat beragama rutak dalam segala situasi.

"Bang Zulhas often mentions that political contestation is only for a moment. The important thing to continue to be fought for is the interests of the people and society," said Saleh.

The chairman of the PAN faction in the DPR also said that Zulhas' statement was citing the lectures of Ustaz Abdul Somad and Ustaz Adi Hidayat. Saleh said there was no negative precedent from the statements of the two clerics.

"Bang Zulhas was amazed by the two clerics. He thought they were the best teachers. Then, the material for their lecture was quoted. That's what he conveyed in the video," said Saleh.

Therefore, the PAN legislator for the North Sumatra electoral district hopes that all parties will remain kind to think about Zulhas. Moreover, according to him, the former chairman of the MPR does not have a bad track record for Islam.

"It is also necessary to remind people who try to politicize this issue to immediately stop it. It is not good in the context of building togetherness and unity. Don't all parties want Indonesia to become a big, advanced and prosperous country," concluded Saleh.

It is known, the viral 52-second video clip contains Zulhas who shared his experiences around the area and found that something had changed in society during Maghrib prayers.

"I'm traveling around the area, sir, and..., Mr. Kiai, Mr. Kiai Toha, here it's safe here. Jakarta doesn't have a problem. There are those that have come all the way, you know, what changed. So if you pray Maghrib, read Al-Fatihah, 'Wa laddallin...' There are those who are silent now, sir, there are those who are cold now. There are those who are silent now a lot, that's so much love for Pak Prabowo. That's if Pak Yai's final prayer (ii), isn't it Pak Yai, the final tahayatul is like this (Zulhas moved the index finger when mahiyat prays). Now there are a lot of things, sir. Like this (Zulhas moved two fingers). That, sir, other places like that, sir. So what is that, sir. Yai.