Witness OTT Governor Of North Maluku Tried Suicide When Brought By KPK

JAKARTA - A person caught in a hand arrest operation (OTT) by the Governor of North Maluku Abdul Gani Kasuba reportedly almost committed suicide at the KPK's Red and White House, Kuningan Persada, South Jakarta.

It is known that the silent operation was carried out on Monday afternoon, December 18. From this activity, 18 people were taken to the anti-corruption commission headquarters.

Based on information collected by VOI, the witness who was also taken but not related to the case attempted suicide. He was then rushed to the hospital for further treatment.

Meanwhile, of the 18 people who were taken into custody, seven were suspects. They are the Governor of North Maluku Abdul Gani Kasbani; Head of Housing and Settlement Office Adnan Hasanudin; Head of PUPR Daud Ismail; Head of BPPBJ Ridwan Arsan; aide named Ramadhan Ibrahim; as well as a private company named Stevi Thomas and Kristian Wuisan.

Six suspects including Abdul have been detained at the KPK detention center. Meanwhile, one person, Kristian Wuisan has not been detained and will be scheduled to be summoned by investigators.

In this case, the anti-corruption commission suspected that Abdul Gani arranged the project auction directly by involving his subordinates the Head of Housing and Settlement Office Adnan Hasanudin and the Head of PUPR Head Daud Ismail. They conspired to carry out the action.

The projects carried out include the construction of roads and bridges for the Matuting-Rangarana section; construction of roads and bridges for the Saketa-Dehepodo section. Abdul is suspected of determining the amount of the deposit from the contractors.

He is also suspected of ordering Adnan and Daud to manipulate the project development process by up to 50 percent. This familiar practice is carried out so that the budget of the Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBD) is carried out.

From his actions, Abdul Gani and his men received Rp2.2 in cash through a holding account on behalf of other parties.

In addition to project bribery, the KPK also suspects that Abdul Gani received money from his subordinates. However, the number and the parties caught have not been submitted because the investigation is still ongoing.