79 People Killed By KKB In Papua Throughout 2023

Head of the Cartenz Peace Task Force, Kombes Faizal Rahmadani, recorded 79 people died as a result of being shot by KKB in various regions in Papua.

"It is true that during 2023 there were 79 people who died as a result of being shot and persecuted by the KKB in the work area of the Cartenz Peace Task Force," said Faizal, quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, December 20.

The victims consisted of 20 TNI soldiers, three members of the National Police, 37 civilians and 19 members of the KKB.

He explained that 84 injured victims consisted of 24 TNI soldiers, seven members of the National Police, 50 people and three members of the KKB.

The victims, both those who died and those who were injured, came from 20 gunfights, two cases of postal attack, 19 gunshots, 39 shootings, 16 severe abuse, five cases of ordinary abuse, five cases of murder, 32 arson and 52 other disturbances.

Meanwhile, the actions carried out by the KKP (political criminal groups) were 108 actions, in the form of demonstrations, free pulpits, closed discussion/meetings, propaganda, press conferences, support photos, leaflets distribution, fundraising, joint prayers/KKR.

The action took place in Jayapura City as many as 56 actions, Jayapura Regency 18 actions, Yahukimo 3 actions, Bintang Mountains four actions, Mimika six actions, Jayawijaya 19 actions, Dogiyai two actions, and Nabire Regency one action.

"The actions that occurred were dominated by actions from the KNPB and ULMWP groups," explained Faizal.

Selama tahun 2023, penegakan hukum yang dilakukan Ops Damai Cartenz sebanyak 98, terdiri dari 65 tahap penyelidikan dan 33 tahap penyidikan. 25 berkas diantaranya telah dinyatakan lengkap (P-21).

The law enforcement process was carried out on 33 KKB people consisting of 29 people who had stages II (submission of suspects and evidence to the prosecutor) including Uras Telenggen, Annis Taplo, Kopi Tua Heluka, 2 (two) people were transferred to POM TNI AD (Pratu Melkias Sodegau and Prada Melkias Sodegau), 1 (one) person stage I (on behalf of Tanggu Encourage).

Law enforcement carried out against the KKB resulted in 19 KKB being killed and successfully confiscating 32 firearms, 1,279 rounds of ammunition, 25 units of magazines, 107 communication tools, 31 sharp weapons, 334 other items (attributes, flags and others) and we have managed to occupy / control 42 points of the KKB headquarters.