Moeldoko Wants To Build A More Massive Digital Talent Development Center
JAKARTA Presidential Chief of Staff, (KSP) Moeldoko, assesses that the development of digital talent centers must be more massive. This is to reduce the digital talent gap in Indonesia. As is well known, Indonesia will need 9 million digital talents by 2030. On average, the need for digital talent reaches 600,000 people per year. Unfortunately, until now universities in Indonesia are only able to supply around 100,000-2 million digital talents per year. That is, there is a gap of 400,000 digital talents per year. Local digital talent supply must continue to be added. For this reason, the development of a digital talent development center must be more massive, said Moeldoko, when speaking at the Indonesia Digital Talent Day 2023 event, at the University of Tarumanagara, West Jakarta, Wednesday 20 December. Moeldoko said the government has collaborated with various parties to develop Indonesia's digital talent. He gave an example of the collaboration between the Presidential Staff Office with Huawei Indonesia, namely training 100,000 digital talents. The collaboration that has been running since 2020 has succeeded in training more than 100,000 digital talents. They come from multi stakeholders both from the government, higher education, vocational education, professional education, and other stakeholders. I appreciate huawei Indonesia because it has worked hard to achieve the target of one hundred thousand talents. Whereas this target should have been achieved by 2025. But now it is more than one hundred thousand thousand. This is faster than expected,'' he explained.
"We hope that this kind of cooperation can also be carried out by other parties, so that Indonesia can immediately meet the needs of digital talent," added Moeldoko. Furthermore, the 2013-2015 TNI Commander conveyed the fulfillment of digital talent as a necessity. Moreover, Indonesia is one of the countries that has great digital economic potential.
Based on reports from Google, Temasek, and Bain & Company, the value of Indonesia's digital economy is estimated to grow to the range of US$210 billion to US$360 billion in 2030. "The potential for digital economic growth should be accompanied by the increasing need for digital talent. Unfortunately, the supply of local digital talent is still insufficient. We have to answer this challenge," he said.