Singkawang Bawaslu Handles Case Of Violation Of Campaign Candidates At Mental Hospitals

PONTIANAK - Head of Singkawang City Bawaslu, Hendro Susanto, said that his party is currently handling a case of alleged campaign violations committed by a legislative candidate at the West Kalimantan Province Mental Hospital (RSJ).

"It happened on November 30, 2023, but we just found the case on December 2, 2023, where one of the Singkawang City candidates with the initials S was suspected of violating the campaign at government facilities, to be precise at the West Kalimantan Provincial Hospital," Hendro said as quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, December 20.

According to him, in accordance with the latest Constitutional Court's decision, the campaign in government facilities is indeed allowed, but must comply with the permit and there should be no party attributes.

"However, based on the examination carried out, it turned out that the activity did not have a permit in the form of a STTP or notification in carrying out the campaign," he said.

Based on these findings, his party immediately conducted an investigation by seeking information in the field.

After getting it, it turned out that the formal and material requirements were met.

Bawaslu, which is located in East Singkawang District, reported the findings in the form A (field report) to Bawaslu at the Singkawang City level.

"By Bawaslu, Singkawang City finally followed up on the findings by making plenaries and we assess if this case fulfills the elements," he said.

Related to that, the Singkawang City Bawaslu registered. Furthermore, it was discussed at the Gakkumdu Center consisting of Bawaslu, the Police and the Singkawang District Attorney.

From the discussion, it can indeed be continued to provide clarification and summons to all people suspected of being involved, both witnesses and suspected perpetrators.

"This morning (Wednesday) was the last examination of witnesses from the Head/Director of the West Kalimantan Provincial RSJ, while the alleged perpetrator was examined last Tuesday (19/12). So today it is finished, the next study will be carried out to be taken to the Singkawang Gakkumdu Center," he said.

"With the aim of being reviewed or re-discussed by the Gakkumdu Center. If all fulfills it, the case will be processed, because there are elements of two violations," he said.

"The two violations are criminal and neutrality of ASN. Because there are indeed legislative and ASN candidates who are suspected of facilitating," said Hendro.