AMIN National Team Please JK Participate In Anies-Cak Imin Campaign

JAKARTA - Spokesperson for the National Team for the Winning of Anies-Muhaimin (AMINAn National Team) Billy David Neututumelina hopes that the 10th and 12th Vice Presidents Jusuf Kalla (JK) will campaign with Anies Baswedan and Muhaimin Iskandar.

This hope was conveyed by Billy after JK announced that he supports the presidential and vice presidential candidate pair number 1.

"We hope that if Mr. JK is pleased, of course we will be very happy if he is involved, he can participate in the field," said Billy at the AMIN Winning House, Jalan Diponegoro, Central Jakarta, Wednesday, December 20.

Billy assessed that JK's support for Anies-Cak Imin would have an electoral impact. In other words, this will increase the number of people who will choose Anies-Cak Imin on the voting day for the 2024 presidential election.

"As we all know Pak JK is a senior figure, a movement figure, a former vice president. I think from what he decided he could influence many people to be able to decide or dare to support AMIN," said Billy.

JK's political support for the presidential and vice presidential candidate pair of the Change Coalition is considered Billy to increase the spirit of the AMIN national team to win.

"This will be a motivation for the AMIN national team to work harder, work harder because there is support and also for the candidate pair itself, especially Pak Anies will be a momentum for spiritual support," he said.

At the AMIN volunteer event in Makassar, South Sulawesi, JK admitted that he was also present to affirm his support for Anies, after he was often asked by a number of parties about his political support.

"I came and was asked what is your attitude in Makassar? I really conveyed my attitude. Hopefully there will be benefits for all of you," said JK on Tuesday, December 19.

JK emphasized that he supports Anies in this political contestation individually. Because, as the Chair of the Central PMI, JK cannot actively support one of the presidential and vice presidential candidates.

"I came here to objectively convey my personal choices because I certainly have limits," said JK.

Meanwhile, JK Spokesperson, Husain Abdullah explained, JK announced his political stance because he felt the need to convey a message to the public so that they would not be wrong in making choices in the 2024 presidential election contestation.

"Because they feel they have a moral responsibility so that the people are not wrong in choosing the leader who will lead Indonesia in the next 5 years, then Tuesday 19 December in Makassar, M. Jusuf Kalla openly said that he chose Anies Baswedan who was paired with Muhaimin Iskandar," Husain told reporters.

So far, JK has not publicly disclosed the direction of its support. Given, JK serves as Chairman of the Central Indonesian Red Cross (PMI).

"So far, he has said that he is neutral, but as a citizen Pak JK certainly has a political choice. Based on the track record of Anies Baswedan, he knows that Pak JK believes that Anies is the right person to lead Indonesia in the future," explained Husain.