Vice President: Hold Integrity, Work Etos, And Mutual Cooperation

JAKARTA - Vice President (Vice President) Ma'ruf Amin invites all components of the nation to gather strength and independence by upholding the values of integrity, work ethic, and mutual cooperation, through the mental revolution movement.

The statement was made by Vice President Ma'ruf Amin during the agenda of handing over the 2023 Mental Revolution Award at the Vice Presidential Palace, Jakarta, Wednesday, December 20.

"Integrity, work ethic, and mutual cooperation are the three main values that must always be turned on and transmitted in the daily practice of individuals, families, communities, nation and state," said Vice President Ma'ruf Amin as quoted by ANTARA.

The vice president said Indonesia has a good track record and strong provisions in maintaining unity and integrity in the midst of diversity of the nation as a pillar of the support of the noble values of Pancasila which is firmly rooted in people's lives.

These noble values of Pancasila, continued the Vice President, must be manifested in a strong mental attitude and a straight lifestyle throughout the Indonesian nation.

"Thus, Indonesia will be able to stand tall in independence and grow into a nation that is advanced, sovereign, and dignified," he said.

Vice President Ma'ruf Amin also invited all levels of society to fend off various new ideas that have the potential to disturb unity and integrity, especially those that undermine the character, ethics, and morals of the nation.

The Vice President also encouraged the collaboration of all parties in efforts to solve the nation's problems, including in creating works that are beneficial to the progress of the nation.

"Continue to build readiness and capacity of Human Resources (HR) in order to be able to navigate the changing times and win global competition," he said.

In addition, the Vice President continued, planting noble values from an early age on the next generation of the nation must continue to be carried out in order to grow individuals with steel mentality, have high integrity, and have noble character.

"Generations that are able to prevent and avoid fraudulent and corrupt behaviors," he said.

Finally, to all state apparatuses, the Vice President advised to always serve the community with high integrity, like the dedication of the fighters of the previous nation to the state.

"Applied the values of integrity, work ethic, and mutual cooperation, become the basis of the behavior of state administrators in providing the best service to the community," said Vice President Ma'ruf Amin.