Viral Motorcycle Pelat Dinas Polisi Lewat JLNT Casablanca, Kasat Lalu: Itu Anggota Polda Metro Jaya

JAKARTA - A video shows motorcyclists with police license plates passing casually on the Casablanca Non-Tol Flyover (JLNT) without fear of being prosecuted. Even though a few meters ahead there were Traffic Police on guard.

Indeed, at that time it was seen that another motorbike was passing, then it was stopped by officers. But the motorbike with the police service plate that crossed the road passed, was not stopped.

It is known that the police service plate number used is 121653-VII. In addition to the number plate, the driver also uses a police helmet.

As is known, two-wheeled vehicles are not allowed to pass at JLNT Casablanca, South Jakarta. The road is intended for cars.

South Jakarta Police Traffic Head Kompol Yunita Rungkat confirmed the incident. However, the case was handled by Polda Metro Jaya.

"It's been monitored. It has been handled by the Regional Police (Metro Jaya)," Yunita said when confirmed, Wednesday, December 20.

Although his identity was not identified, Yunita confirmed that the motorcyclist was a member of the Polda Metro Jaya police. Currently, action has been taken.

"Yes (it is a member of the Polda Metro Jaya police), it has been followed up at the Regional Police," he said.

Yunita was reluctant to comment further on the incident. He did not know the reason the Traffic Police passed the motorcyclist.