Mumpuni's Experience, TPN Believes Mahfud MD Will Master The Stage Of The Vice Presidential Candidate Debate

JAKARTA - The Ganjar-Mahfud National Winning Team (TPN) said there was no specific preparation for the vice presidential debate.

TPN spokesman Ganjar-Mahfud Boy Agustinus said vice presidential candidate Mahfud MD was very ready to face preparations for the debate later.

"Regarding Mahfud's preparations for the vice presidential debate later, Mahfud has no special preparations, because he is very ready," Boy told reporters at the TPN Secretariat Ganjar-Mahduf, Menteng, Central Jakarta, Tuesday 19 December.

According to him, Mahfud MD has qualified experience from the careers of members of the DPR, the Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court to the position of Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs in Jokowi's cabinet.

Therefore, TPN emphasized Mahfud's ability to master the debate stage without any doubt.

The vice presidential debate was held at the Jakarta Convention Center (JCC), Senayan, Jakarta on Friday 22 December. The vice presidential debate raises the theme of the economy which includes the people's economy and the digital economy, finance, investment, taxes, trade, management of the APBN and APBD, infrastructure, and urban areas.