DIY Bawaslu Supervises Money Politics Mode Through Electronic Money Services

SLEMAN - The Election Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu) of the Special Region of Yogyakarta (DIY) supervised the new mode of money politics practices in the 2024 General Election through electronic money services.

"In the current era, there is the potential for money politics to no longer distribute cash, but by using electronic money services," said a member of the DIY Bawaslu, Prevention Division, Community and Public Relations Participation, Umi Illiyina, as reported by ANTARA, Tuesday, December 19.

According to him, by using this electronic money service, the practice of money politics will not appear visible in plain view so that it will not provoke suspicion.

"The politics of money with electronic money services is quite difficult to see directly, but we will still monitor the possibility of this new mode," he said.

He said, to oversee the new mode of money politics, his party would cooperate with the Financial Services Authority (OJK) to monitor suspicious electronic money traffic.

"The agency authorized to supervise electronic money traffic is the OJK, it's just that this is also not easy, because those who are supervised by the OJK are of course large money traffic," he said.

Umi said that OJK will find it very difficult to monitor money traffic, which is only around Rp. 200 thousand to Rp. 500 thousand.

"Because of course traffic with such a value of money will be a lot, and it will be quite difficult for which one is suspected, including money politics," he said.

According to him, until now in the DIY or Indonesia regions there have been no findings related to the alleged money politics through the electronic money service.

"However, abroad it has happened, so that even here it has the potential to occur. For that we are trying to carry out surveillance in the field to observe various information," he said.