Observers Say That The 'KTP Sakti' Program, Ganjar Pranowo, Makes The Distribution Of Social Assistance Easy To Monitor And Right On Target

YOGYAKARTA - Ganjar Pranowo and Mahfud MD will continue the Joko Widodo (Jokowi) government social assistance program. Not only will Ganjar improve the distribution of social assistance by creating a One Data Indonesia system, through the One Indonesian Integrated Card or Sakti ID card program.

Constitutional Law Expert Benediktus Hestu Cipto Handoyo said that Sakti's ID card is an effort to create a single number identity. In the perspective of the digital government system, it has actually been formulated in the Digital Government System Bill.

By using a single identity or one identity, all government administrations will become one big data by using a sophisticated super app.

"In this context, the Law on Data Protection also exists. So that the Sakti KTP program is actually an implementation that precedes the Digital Government System Bill. However, the legal basis still exists, namely the Presidential Decree of the Electronic-Based Government System (SPBE)," Hestu said when contacted, Monday (18/12/2023).

Hestu, who is also a member of the design team for the Digital-Based Government System Bill, said that in the world, the e-government of digital-based government models has reached the Government level of 5.0. Meanwhile, Indonesia is currently only at the Government 2.0 level.

"So the idea of Sakti's ID card has a future reach, a solution to pursue Indonesia towards Government 5.0. This Sakti ID card can also be used to distribute aid funds including BPJS identity and others," said the lecturer at Atma Jaya University Yogyakarta (UAJY).

To be able to realize this idea, cross-sectoral and cross-field synergy is needed. In fact, this idea actually provides a coordination space between ministries and institutions (K/L) in implementing various welfare improvement programs as a consequence of the welfare state. "With one data through single number identity, all assistance will be right on target and continuity of assistance will be recorded electronically, which in the end, transparency of accountability is guaranteed," he explained.

He said, with Sakti ID cards supported by super-upp facilities, all social assistance funds could be monitored by digital literate people.

This is where the role of an intelligent golden generation in the field of information technology becomes the backbone of its back. Social assistance no longer flows through seasonal activities for 5 years for electoral purposes. But there is continuous continuity," he said.

On the other hand, continued Hestu, social assistance outside the program based on super apps will be easily monitored as a form of money politics, because it is not included in the social assistance information system.

As is known, pair of presidential and vice presidential candidates 03 Ganjar Mahfud, confirmed that they would continue the social assistance program. The program approved by the DPR and has been budgeted at the Ministry of Finance, in the future, will be channeled more accurately with the existence of the Sakti KTP.

With Sakti ID cards, the distribution of any assistance will be easily monitored. Thus, spsial assistance, direct cash assistance (BLT), Smart Indonesia Card (KIP), Healthy Indonesia Card (KIS), Family Hope Program (PKH) and other assistance are distributed properly and not misused.

Because, the fact is that currently there are still many misuses of social assistance for political purposes, ranging from the presidential election, regional elections, legislative elections, to the Pilkades. In fact, the social assistance program uses state money sourced from people's money,

The social assistance program that is the right of the underprivileged community should not be misappropriated as a 'trade' item for electoral purposes.

KTP Sakti and Satu Data Indonesia, are proof of Ganjar-Mahfud's alignment with the poor. This program is a solution to public unrest that has been played by officials and officers in the field in terms of distributing social assistance.