Megawati's Agenda At The Vatican With Several World Figures

YOGYAKARTA - 5th President of the Republic of Indonesia Megawati Soekarnoputri reportedly went to the Vatican. So what is Megawati's agenda at the Vatican?

As the Zayed Award Jury, Megawati Soekarnoputri, the 5th President of the Republic of Indonesia who is also the General Chair of the PDI-P (PDIP) DPP, held a meeting with Pope Francis at the Vatican, on Monday (18/12/2023) morning local time.

At around 08.45 local time, Megawati, wearing brackets wrapped in red batik cloth, came to the courtyard of the Apostolic Building or the Apostolic Palace, Vatican.

Megawati was greeted by representatives of the Apostolis Palace or Kepausan and the Zayed Award committee.

Joining Megawati's entourage, namely Abraham Cooper, the leader of the United States Commission for International Religious Freedom and Mohamed Abdelsalam, Secretary General Zayed Award.

Meanwhile, the former Director-General of UNESCO and Irina Sarawa Bokova, the former Minister of Bulgaria, appeared to have arrived earlier in the courtyard of the Apostholic Palace.

Just so you know, Megawati's arrival and with several world leaders is in the capacity as the Zayed Award jury for the Human Brotherhood or the Zayed Award for Human Fraternity 2024.

They want to meet Pope Francis to discuss and confirm the nominees who will qualify and be the winners at the Zayed Award which will be announced on February 4, 2024, in Abu Dhabi. Megawati's arrival and the figures were warmly welcomed.

Although the weather this morning at the Vatican was approximately 4 degrees Celsius, Megawati's meeting and the figures in the front yard of the Apostholic Palace took place warmly. They also greeted each other and asked how they were.

Not to forget, they also took the time to take pictures together at the entrance yard of the Apostholic Palace.

5 minutes later, representatives of the Palace, Apostolik also invited Megawati and a group of Zayed Award judges to enter the building.

Megawati and her entourage then stepped down the steps and entered the Apostolist Palace. The meeting between Megawati and the representative of the Zayed Award jury with Pope Francis also took place behind closed doors at the Apostolik Palace.

Megawati added that currently the jury has implemented a vote and has entered the nomination session as many as 30 people from all over the world.

Next, the name will be informed to Pope Francis for discussion and passing to the next session.

"Well, it will be narrowed up, until finally with the Pope, who also discussed getting who I was nominated for," continued Megawati.

The chairman of the BPIP Steering Committee said that the meeting of the Zayed Award jury at Rome Italia was the peak of discussing the names that would be announced in February 2024, in the future.

Where, the Zayed Award handover will be held on February 4, 2024, which coincides with UN-recognized International Human Brotherhood Day.

"So it's finished here (the jury meeting). Because for the point, it's in Dubai," explained Megawati.

As information, at the Zayed Award, Megawati became an independent and international jury member along with 5 other world leaders.

As representatives of various fields of expertise, the members of the 2024 Zayed Award jury were selected because of their commitment to social services around the world and in efforts to coexist peacefully.

This Zayed Award was held to appreciate people and entities that have contributed greatly to the progress of human civilization and living side by side peacefully.

The Zayed Award was first held in 2019 after signing a human brotherhood document owned by Pope Francis and Al-Azhar High Priest Ahmed Al-Tayeb in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.

The Zayed Award winner will receive a prize worth US$1 million. Previously, the initial jury meeting was held in November 2023 in Abu Dhabi and continued with a meeting at the Vatican.

The Zayed Award will be held on February 4, 2024, which coincides with UN-recognized International Human Brotherhood Day. This schedule also marks the signing of the human brotherhood documents by Pope Francis and Ahmed Al-Tayeb.

Zayed's award for the Human Brotherhood was founded on February 4, 2019, to mark a historic meeting in Abu Dhabi between His Excellency Grand Imam Al-Azhar Professor Ahmed Al-Tayeb and His Majesty Pope Francis, where they also signed the Human Brotherhood Agreement Document.

Given the historical significance of this declaration calling for reconciliation and peace among mankind, the two religious leaders were named recipients of the honor of Zayed Award for Human Fraternity in 2019.

In February 2020, at the first anniversary of the Human Brotherhood Documents, it was announced that the Zayed Award for the Human Brotherhood would be an annual award, supervised by the High Committee of Human Brotherhood, an independent international organization that was founded to promote the values of human brotherhood. in communities around the world and to fulfill the aspirations of the Human Brotherhood Document.

Starting in 2021 and beyond, this award has opened nominations for individuals and entities, from all backgrounds and anywhere in the world, who are trying to strengthen human ties and have an impact on people's lives by dealing with divisions, building a strong community, and fostering solidarity.

In addition, the figure of 'Megawati Singgung The Current Ruler is like a New Order'.

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