DKI DPRD Asks The Center To Immediately Clarify The Certainty Of The Appointment Of The Governor Of Jakarta In The DKJ Bill

JAKARTA - Chairman of Commission B of the DKI Jakarta DPRD Ismail urged the DPR RI and the central government to clarify the certainty of the appointment of the Governor of Jakarta after the transfer of the state capital (IKN) to the archipelago.This provision is a polemic because Article 10 of the DKJ Bill states that the Governor and Deputy Governor of Jakarta are appointed and dismissed by the President."In Article 10 concerning the Governor being appointed by the President, I think it is a crucial issue that must be immediately responded to by the DPR RI of course and the central government. Many things must be clarified," said Ismail at the DKI Jakarta DPRD building, Tuesday, December 19.Ismail views that the plan to appoint the Governors of Jakarta is rejected by the President as a step back in democracy. This provision, if ratified, will also have a domino effect that is seen as negative."At first, the legitimacy of a Jakarta governor must be chosen by the people to be the governor appointed by the President. This must feel different," said Ismail."Now we have felt it when Jakarta was led by a definitive governor based on the election results with the acting governor appointed by the president as a comparison," he continued.The Draft Law on the Province of the Special Region of Jakarta (RUU DKJ) was officially approved as a proposal for the DPR initiative. One of the rules, namely Article 10, states that the Governor and Deputy Governor of DKJ are appointed, appointed, and dismissed by the President by taking into account the DPRD's proposal or opinion.The decision was made in the 10th Plenary Meeting of the DPR RI Session Period II for the 2023-2024 Session Year at the DPR building, Senayan. The draft preparation of the DKJ Bill was previously discussed at the DPR Legislation Body (Baleg).Deputy Chairman of the Legislation Body (Baleg) of the DPR Achmad Baidowi alias Awiek clarified the rules for the Governors of DKJ to be elected by the President to emphasize the particularity of Jakarta after his status was no longer the nation's capital."In particularity given, we agree that the most important particularity is in the government system," said Awiek some time ago.Responding to this, President Joko Widodo believes that personally the position of governor of Jakarta should be directly elected by the people."For me, if you ask me, the governor is chosen directly (people)," said Jokowi after inaugurating the Ancol Sentiong Pump Station in North Jakarta.Jokowi reminded that the provisions are still in the form of a bill and are an initiative of the DPR. He said the draft of the DKJ Bill had not yet reached his desk.
"Yes, it is still in the form of a bill, a draft law, and that is the initiative of the DPR. It has not yet reached the government area. It has not yet reached my table. So, let it be processed," said Jokowi.