KASN Receives 219 Complaints Alleged ASN Violating Neutrality In The 2024 Election, 50 Percent Have Been Examined Proven Guilty

The State Civil Apparatus Commission (KASN) received 219 complaints of alleged violations of the neutrality of the state civil apparatus (ASN) during the 2024 election campaign period.

"During the campaign period, the bureaucracy became an area prone to political co-optation. This can be seen from the complaint to KASN as of December 2023 regarding 219 ASN people suspected of violating neutrality," said KASN Chairman Agus Pramusinto at the activity. "Regional Head Officials Are Neutral?" in Jakarta, Tuesday 19 December.

Of the 219 reports of alleged violations of ASN neutrality, 50 percent of them have been examined and found guilty by KASN.

Agus said that one of the factors in the violation of ASN neutrality was the existence of political interventions against the bureaucracy and ASN that occurred before and after the election or regional elections.

Therefore, Agus said the role of the Acting (pj) regional head is very important to keep the bureaucracy and politics in the regional government running based on neutrality.

"The task of a regional head is not easy, because it must ensure the continuity of development and public services in areas that experience vacancies, including maintaining bureaucracy and politics based on neutrality, referring to Permendagri Number 4 of 2023," said Agus.

The joint decisions of the five institutions, namely the Ministry of Home Affairs (Kemendagri), the Ministry of Administrative Reform and Bureaucratic Reform (Kemenpan RB), the National Personnel Agency (BKN), KASN, and the Election Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu), also mandate regional heads and pj regional heads to take steps and supervision of ASN neutrality.

KASN is also tasked with supervising and evaluating the implementation of the joint decision.

According to Agus, there are three things that must be owned by pj to the regions in order to maintain neutrality in the bureaucratic system.

First, the pj regional head must be free from the political burden from those who propose to be the regional head.

Second, the regional head must not be influenced by conflicts of interest in the regions. This effort, said Agus, would be successful if the regional head did not have personal interests so as to avoid conflict of interest.

"Thirdly, the acting head of blood does not participate in the 2024 Pilkada. The participation of regional heads has the potential to occur, considering that there is no regulation that prohibits it. This encourages the pj. regional head to build political investment which in the process will injure the neutrality of ASN in his agency," said Agus Pramusinto.

KASN also reminded all regional heads in charge of rotating employees in various ASN positions within the framework of the merit system, in order to provide protection to ASN and obey the bureaucracy.