Panglima Agus Subiyanto Mutasi 183 Pati TNI, Including Pangdam And Kapuspen

JAKARTA - TNI Commander General Agus Subiyanto rotated, rotated, and promoted 183 high-ranking officers to fill strategic positions, including the military regional commander (pangdam) and the head of the TNI's lighting center (kapuspen).

The policy is stated in the Decree (SK) of the TNI Commander Number Kep/1470/XII/2023 which was signed by Agus Subiyanto in Jakarta, Monday (18/12), as confirmed by the TNI Information Center, Tuesday.

In the decree, Rear Admiral TNI Julius Widjojono, who originally served as head of the TNI lighting center, was transferred to special staff for the Chief of Staff of the Indonesian Navy (KSAL). His replacement, Brigadier General R. Nugraha Gumilar, who previously served as an expert staff officer for the Army Chief of Staff (KSAD).

Then, several positions in Pangdam were also replaced. Major General TNI Widi Prasetijono, who previously served as Commander of Military Command IV/Diponegoro, received promotions as Commander of the Command for the Doctrine, Education, and Training of the Indonesian Army (Dankodiklatad).

The Commander in Chief appointed Major General TNI Tandyo Budi Revita, who previously served as Head of the Education and Training Agency (Kabadiklat) of the Indonesian Ministry of Defense, as Pangdam IV/Diponegoro.

Then, Major General TNI Totok Imam, who was previously Pangdam XIV/Hasanuddin, was hit by a rotation as Director of the Postgraduate Defense University. Pangdam XIV/Hasanuddin was also filled by Major General TNI Bobby Rinal Makmun, who previously served as Commander of the School for Candidates for TNI AD Officers (Dansecapad).

Then, from the ranks of high-ranking three-star officers, the Commander in Chief transferred TNI Marshal Donny Ermawan Taufanto, who is currently the Secretary General of the Indonesian Ministry of Defense, to return to the Indonesian Air Force Headquarters as a high-ranking officer in order to retire.

Then, Vice Admiral TNI Maman Firmansyah, who previously served as Deputy Governor of the Indonesian National Resilience Institute (Lemhannas), is currently filling the position as Commander of the TNI's Doctrine, Education and Training Development Command (Dankodiklat).

Maman exchanged positions with TNI Lt. Gen. Eko Margiyono, who previously filled the TNI Dankodiklat, is currently Deputy Governor of Lemhannas.

However, Maman and Eko are still waiting for a decision from the president before officially filling his new position.

In the decree, the TNI Commander also rotated a number of high-ranking officers within the State Intelligence Agency (BIN). Some of them, namely Brigadier General Sunaryo, who previously served as Director of America and Europe BIN, are currently the Intelligence Agency for the Middle Intelligence Directorate of Asia Pacific BIN.

Then, Brigadier General Andrianus Suryo Agung N, who previously served as Director of Maluku and Papua BIN, is currently an expert staff in BIN's ideology and politics.

Colonel Chb I Wayan Sueda also accepted the position as Director of Maluku and Papua BIN.

Brigadier General Leo Rajendra Ratna Begum, who previously filled the position of Head of Regional BIN (Kabinda) of East Kalimantan, was also transferred as a middle expert intelligence agent at the Directorate of Maluku and Papua BIN.

Colonel Inf. Bobby Prabowo, who previously served as Head of Sub-Directorate for Sulawesi Region II BIN, received promotions as Director of Sulawesi and Nusa Tenggara BIN.