The Massacre Of Couples In Cipulir Is So Shocked That The Screams Of Victims Make The Two Perpetrators More Brutal

Kebayoran Lama Police Chief Kompol Widya revealed the role of AH (26) and JZ (22) brothers while molesting husband and wife (couple) Danu (30) and Dedeh (25) to death using a knife at a shophouse in the Cipulir area, Kebayoran Lama, South Jakarta, Monday, December 18, at around 03.00 WIB.
Kompol Widya said, the action was carried out when the two victims were sleeping. Then AH smothered Dedeh while JZ attacked Danu.
"So the two of them came to the couple's room and immediately smothered them so that no one else could hear. The perpetrator J immediately attacked the male victim D (dake), right, husband and wife were sleeping again", said Kompol Widya, Tuesday, December 19.
The commotion ensued in the room. The two perpetrators panicked because Dedeh, a woman who was pregnant, shouted.
His wife screamed. When he shouted, he was also attacked by J for fear of being noisy. Because he shouted, AH tried to be caught by AH so he wouldn't be noisy. But the victim's voice this woman managed to wake up two other employees. So the two witnesses came to the source of the sound. " he explained.
The two perpetrators used a knife to persecute a couple to death. It was stated that the injuries suffered by the victim were severe enough that they could take their lives.
According to a temporary investigation conducted by the police, 2 victims (couples) were known as old employees. Meanwhile, the two perpetrators are new workers.
The perpetrator, when asked by the police, admitted that he was hurt because he was often scolded. Because he was not strong enough with the victim's words, the brothers agreed to persecute the victim using a knife to death.
They think that the husband and wife who live in the shophouse have hurt them. They work together at the shophouse. Because they are new employees of these two people. This younger brother is a new employee," said Kompol Widya.
"This perpetrator was annoyed with the victim, finally abused until (finally) died on the spot. It seems that he was attacked with a knife. One of them, his younger brother (who was holding a knife)," he added.