Police Provide Parking Facilities For Christmas And New Year's Homecomers

The National Police provides parking facilities at the police station for people who go home during the 2023 Christmas and 2024 New Year holidays to entrust their vehicles.

"The National Police will also provide parking facilities at the police station for travelers who want to entrust their vehicles," said Head of the Public Information Bureau of the Public Relations Division of the National Police Brigadier General Ahmad Ramadhan, quoted by ANTARA, Monday, December 18.

The provision of this facility is part of the National Police's efforts to provide security to people who celebrate Christmas and the new year.

In this security, continued Ramadhan, the National Police also appealed to people who would go home to report to the nearest police for patrols in settlements.

"The National Police appealed to people whose houses were left behind to report to the nearest police station so that later they could be recorded and carried out patrols," he said.

The National Police held the 2023 Candle Operation for 12 days from December 22, 2023 to January 2, 2024. This operation involved 129,923 joint police personnel, the TNI and related agencies.

In addition, the National Police also established 2,451 posts consisting of security posts, service posts, and integrated posts.

The National Police predicts that the peak of homecoming and return flow during the Christmas and New Year holidays will occur on 22, 23, 29, and 30 December 2023.

"The National Police guarantees that people's mobility can run smoothly, of course the National Police also has the task of securing Christians who celebrate Christmas," he said.

In addition, continued Ramadhan, on New Year's Eve celebrations, the community will carry out many activities in crowded places, such as shopping centers and entertainment centers.

"For this reason, extra security is needed at community gathering points in order to create a sense of security that wants to celebrate Christmas and New Year's Eve," said Ramadan.

The National Police predicts that there will be a movement of 107.63 million people and 2.88 million vehicles leaving Jakarta during the Christmas and New Year holidays.
