DKPP Effective SIETIK Application For Complaints For Ethical Violations In The 2024 Election

JAKARTA - The Election Organizers Honorary Council (DKPP) has streamlined the use of the Election Organizer Code of Ethics Information System (SIETIK) application to attract wider public complaints regarding violations of the Election Organizer Code of Ethics (KEPP) during the 2024 General Election.

"With SIETIK, DKPP will work easier, faster. It is hoped that this application will not become a complaint service, but an input service," said DKPP Chairman Heddy Lugito at the SIETIK Socialization event in Jakarta, Monday, December 18, which was confiscated by Antara.

The application, which was created in collaboration with the Ministry of Communication and Information (Kominfo), said Heddy, is a form of digitization of the handling of the Election Organizer Code of Ethics (KEPP) conducted by DKPP.

The goal is to improve electronic complaint services and digitize data on code of ethics cases carried out by election organizers.

SIETIK will also integrate all handling of KEPP violations, ranging from complaints, verification of complaints, examination hearings, plenary decision making, to follow-up decisions.

According to him, the application makes it very easy for the public because every development of complaints that enter SIETIK can only be seen directly by the complainant.

"Right now, the digital era is so that it is easy for the public to create complaints through the SIETIK application to which extent the complaints can be monitored, have not been verified, then have passed the material verification yet, when will it be tried, later after the trial the verdict will also be uploaded there," said Heddy.

Regarding the socialization to polling stations (TPS), Heddy considered this unnecessary because massively it had begun to be introduced to the public, especially since the authority of the DKPP only reached the election organizers.

"When it comes to socialization to polling stations, I don't think it's necessary, this only reaches the public because we can't socialize to polling stations. The DKPP will supervise the organizers, not the elections, we are monitoring state ethics, so the socialization is more to the organizers and the public. about the code of ethics, there are those who violate it to be reported to the DKKP," he said.

This effort, he continued, could be proven by the existence of 384 public complaints that had been submitted to the DKPP throughout 2023. Most complaints concern the General Elections Commission (KPU).

"During this campaign period, complaints will definitely increase because the KPU works, complaints are directed to the KPU. The KPU has been complained a lot, then the Election Supervisory Body (Bawaslu) has been widely reported," he said.