Blocking Beeper Mini Access, Four Senators Complain Apple With Alleged Market Monopoly Action

JAKARTA - The United States Congress has begun to interfere in disputes between Minidan Apple Minimen. Apparently, the issue of Beeper's access to iMessage must be resolved legally.

From Jo Ling Kent's report, reporter CBS News, on platform X, four senators have complained to the United States Department of Justice (DOJ) for alleged violations of antitrust laws.

The four senators who submitted letters to DOJ were Amy Klobuchar, Mike Lee, Jerrold Nadle, and Ken Buck. The four senators said that protecting market freedom and maintaining competition openly is their job.

Seeing the increasingly intense problems of Apple and Beeper Mini, the four admitted that they were worried about Apple's actions. They want to avoid a monopoly attempt from restricting Beeper Mini's access to iMessage.

"We are concerned that Apple's recent actions to disable Beeper Mini are detrimental to competition, eliminate choice for consumers, and will hinder future innovations and investments in inoperable messaging services," they wrote in the letter.

Atas kekhawatiran ini, keempat senator meminta Divisi Antimonopoly dari DOJ untuk menyelidiki permasalahan antara Apple dan Beeper Mini secara dalam. Mereka ingin Divisi Antimonopoly mencari tahu apakah Apple telah melanggar undang-undang antimonopoly.

Beeper Mini was first launched on December 5. Although it has only been launched for two weeks, Beeper Mini's access to iMessage has been blocked twice, on December 8 and December 17.

Apple had said that they were unsure about Beeper's safety. They fear unwanted problems such as spam or phishing. In order to maintain the user's digital security, they block Beeper access to iMessage.