After Eating Siomai At The Arisan Event, 24 Residents Of Kebumen Experienced Poisoning
KEBUMEN - Dozens of residents experienced mass poisoning after consuming the procession served during an RT arisan event in Sitiadi Village, Puring District, Kebumen. At least 24 residents had to be rushed to the hospital, because they experienced vomiting and diarrhea. Kebumen Police inspected a siomai trader who received an order for an RT arisan event in Sitiadi Village, Puring District, Kebumen, Central Java, which resulted in dozens of residents being heavily poisoned. The Kebumen Police Inafis team has taken samples of the material for making the ciomai. "We coordinated with the Criminal Investigation Unit. From the Inafis, we have checked the place where the seller was ordered and we have taken the remains for us to check further," said Puring Police Chief, Iptu Suwarto, Monday, December 18, the food sample was carried out to find out for sure, the cause of mass poisoning in Sitiadi Village.
A total of 24 residents complained of nausea and diarrhea due to eating a cyomay dish at the RT social gathering which took place on Friday, December 15 night. They then checked themselves at a local hospital, Saturday, December 16. As a result, 13 residents had to be in a condition of treatment at two different hospitals on Saturday night.