DKI Transportation Agency Asked To Immediately Check Transportation Readiness Ahead Of Christmas And New Year Holidays

JAKARTA - Member of Commission B of the DKI Jakarta Provincial DPRD, Hasbiallah Ilyas, asked the DKI Jakarta Transportation Agency (Dishub) to immediately conduct an inspection of public transportation transportation and the entire crew of the fleet ahead of the Christmas and New Year holidays.

Hasbi said this inspection needed to be carried out to ensure the feasibility of the operation of the fleet for the realization of security, safety, and order for passengers who were mobility during the year-end holiday period.

"The transportation ramp check (check) activity must have been carried out. Don't be sudden. It must be anticipated in advance," Hasbi said in his statement, Monday, December 18.

According to Hasbi, the DKI Jakarta Transportation Agency must have prepared personnel at all terminals and ports to check one week before the 2023 Christmas and 2024 New Year holidays.

"Security and comfort of prospective travelers are important factors and it must be seen from the readiness of fleets at terminals and at ports," he said.

In addition, Member of Commission B of the DKI Jakarta Provincial DPRD Muhammad Taufik Zoelkifli sees that health checks for drivers and assistants are also important.

"Privates and assistants who are not healthy should not be given a road permit. Until the person concerned is declared healthy, they are only allowed to walk," said Taufik.

Meanwhile, the Jabodetabek Transportation Management Agency (BPTJ) of the Ministry of Transportation projects that the movement of the Jabodetabek people during the 2023 Christmas and Christmas New Year 2024 holidays will reach 14.81 million people.

This number is 43.92 percent of the total population of Jabodetabek. "The Jabodetabek movement will move around 14.81 million people," said BPTJ Transport Director Tatan Rustandi.

BPTJ noted that during the Christmas 2023 and New Year 2024, West Java was the most destination area from Jabodetabek with a total of 26.39 percent or 3.91 million people.

Meanwhile, from the regions most Jabodetabek travelers, namely Bogor Regency, West Java with a total of 2.39 million people or 16.16 percent.

"From the results of a study by the Transportation Policy Agency, we can see that the most destinations are 3.91 million Bogor travelers, so, in Jabodetabek the problem is not an intercity problem but a commuter issue in the Greater Jakarta area so we are wary of tourism areas," said Tatan.

Then, BPTJ also predicts that the peak of the homecoming flow will occur on 22, 23, and 30 December 2023. Meanwhile, the peak of backflow is predicted to occur on December 26, 2023, January 1, 2024, and January 2, 2024.