KPK Response Considered Abraham Samad Rarely Use Article Money Laundering

JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) ensures that it will accommodate all the aspirations of the community regarding the handling of corruption cases being handled. Including the suggestion of the former chairman of the KPK, Abraham Samad, who suggested that the KPK use the article on the crime of money laundering (TPPU) on Edhy Prabowo and Juliari Batubara. This proposal was submitted because it was felt that the KPK rarely used the money laundering article.

"The KPK understands the public's expectation for the resolution of every case currently being handled, including cases involving the defendant EP (Edhy Prabowo) and friends and JPB (Juliari Pieter Batubara) and friends," said Acting KPK spokesman Ali Fiki to VOI, Jakarta, Thursday, 18 February.

According to him, his party will use the article of money laundering in the case of bribery for the export license of Edhy Prabowo's fry and the case of alleged bribery of Bansos Juliari Batubara, if sufficient preliminary evidence is found.

"In principle, the TPPU will be applied if there is sufficient preliminary evidence that there is a suspicion of a change in form from the proceeds of the criminal act of corruption to assets with economic value such as property, vehicles, securities, etc.," he said.

However, Ali cannot confirm whether this article will be used in these two cases. It's just that, he said, if preliminary evidence is found, the KPK will convey it to the public.

"We will immediately inform the progress," said Ali.

Meanwhile, regarding the number of people who have been snared by TPPU under Firli Bahuri's leadership, according to Ali, this cannot be counted in every single leadership. The reason is, because the cases handled by the KPK are running.

"It cannot be separated like that. Because the case is ongoing. There are 9 (TPPU) currently running," said Ali.

Meanwhile, Abraham Samad previously proposed that the KPK charge Edhy Prabowo and Juliari Batubara with the money laundering article. This is because the KPK rarely uses this article.

It is known that not all cases handled by the KPK are subject to TPPU articles. Only a few people are suspected by this article. They are, Muhammad Nazaruddin, Djoko Susilo, Yudi Widiana, Tubagus Chaery Wardana alias Wawan, Rita Widyasari, Rohadi, Hadinoto Soedigno.