Gibran Blusukan To The Market Check Food Prices

BALIKPAPAN - Candidate for Vice President pair number two Gibran Rakabuming checked basic necessities prices with a direct truncation at Pandansari Market in Balikpapan, East Kalimantan, Saturday. This is important to do in addition to checking the supply ahead of Christmas and New Year, also knowing the dynamics of the community.

"I found that a number of basic commodities had increased," he said.

During his visit, Gibran also asked the origin of the goods sold at Pandansari Market to traders. Pandansari Market is also considered the main market in the City of Oil.

"Almost all the goods sold came from outside Kalimantan, such as East Java and Sulawesi," said Gibran again. Therefore, Balikpapan really needs a smooth supply chain so that prices remain stable. Even a little supply of goods is disrupted, the price is already volatile. This is a record for Gibran.

On this occasion, the Vice Presidential Candidate from Presidential Candidate Prabowo Subianto did not hesitate when asked by traders and visitors to take a group photo.

Gibran went to Pandan Sari Market with his spokesman Emil Dardak and PSI Board of Trustees Deputy Chairman Grace Natalie.

Pandansari Market itself is in the discourse of revitalization because of its slum situation. Most of the traders actually sell outside the market building, whether in the yard or even on Pandansari Street.

The municipal government made a number of plots in the fish stall yard so that vegetable traders and kitchen spices selling on Pandansari Street moved to the inner yard. But also not all traders want to move for various reasons.

"Our visitors don't want to bother getting into the market," said Taufik, a tofu- tempeh seller in front of the market.